Looking for inspirational quotes about when things don’t go as planned? We have rounded up the best collection of things don’t always go as planned quotes, sayings, captions, (with images and pictures) to encourage you to have patience and move forward with actions.
We all plan a lot of things in life, some are related to work, or love, relationships, our goals and many more things. But sometimes things don’t go as planned, but we should never change our final goal for this. The route/path may be different but the end goal should be same.
Things seldom work out as planned, unfortunately. However, that’s to be expected. Because life is unpredictable and it surprises us at times. Sometimes vague plans can be more beneficial than planning meticulously.
Try enjoying life the way it is and go with the flow. And try not to be disheartened and disappointed with the uncertainty.
Don’t forget to read our collection of tomorrow is never promised quotes to inspire you to appreciate your loved ones and life.
Things Don’t Always Go As Planned Quotes
“Better things are coming.” – Unknown
“Things don’t always go as planned.” – Faroese Proverb
“Your potential needs your attention today.” – Unknown
“Life is a story… make yours the best seller.” – Unknown
“Do not give up, the beginning is always the hardest.” – Unknown
“In the end we only regret the chances we didn’t take.” – Unknown
“Sometimes, things don’t go as planned. It’s called life.” – Unknown
things don’t always go as planned quotes
“Don’t let insecurity ruin the beauty you were born with.” – Unknown
“Better a life full of childish dreams than a dreamless life.” – Unknown
“Somewhere something incredible is waiting to be known.” – Carl Sagan
“Don’t get your hopes up. Things don’t always go as planned.” – Unknown
“If at first you don’t succeed – you haven’t planned properly!” – John Lock
“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.” – Albert Einstein
“Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same.” – Unknown
“Things don’t always go as planned. That’s the beauty of science.” – Unknown
“Once you stop chasing the wrong things, the right ones catch you.” – Unknown
“Everything will be okay in the end. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end.” – Unknown
“Nothing is permanent in this wicked world, not even our troubles.” – Charlie Chaplin
“Never give up. There is no such thing as an ending. Just a new beginning.” – Unknown
“When something goes wrong in your life, just yell “Plot twist!” and move on.” – Unknown
When Life Doesn’t Go as Planned
“You can’t have a better tomorrow if you don’t stop thinking about yesterday.” – Unknown
“Things might not always go as you planned but they’ll always end up as they should.” – Unknown
“Things don’t always go as planned. When things change, make them apart of the plan.” – Unknown
when things don t go as planned quotes
“When your life doesn’t go as planned, change your perspective but do not stop dreaming.” – Kate Maurice
“God is always listening, but he doesn’t always answer our prayers the way that we think he should.” – Omar
“We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us.” – Joseph Campbell
things don t always go as planned quotes
“She stood in the storm, and when the wind did not blow her way, she adjusted her sails.” – Elizabeth Edwards
“Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.” – Unknown
“Just because something isn’t happening for you right now doesn’t mean that it will never happen.” – Unknown
“A secret to happiness is letting every situation be what it is, instead of what you think it should be.” – Unknown
“Face trouble with courage, disappointment with cheerfulness, and triumph with humility.” – Thomas S. Monson
“Life can happen – just because. Accept what you have for the moment and learn to appreciate it.” – Kate Maurice
“You must be willing to leave the life that you planned in order to find the one waiting for you.” – Joseph Campbell
“Attract what you expect. Reflect what you desire. Become what you respect. And Mirror what you admire.” – Unknown
“Things don’t always end up the way we planned but it doesn’t mean the plan wasn’t magical while it lasted.” – Unknown
“Sometimes, things don’t work out. Not because you don’t deserve it, but because you deserve so much more.” – Unknown
“You don’t always need a plan. Sometimes you just need to breathe, trust, let go and see what happens.” – Mandy Hale
“Your hardest times often lead to the greatest moments of your life. Keep the faith. It will be worth it in the end.” – Unknown
“Every time I thought I was being rejected from something good, I was actually being re-directed to something better.” – Unknown
“If your dream dies, dream another one. If things don’t work out the way you’ve planned, God has a better plan for you.” – Joel Osteen
“In life, many things don’t go according to plan. If you fall, get back up. If you stumble, regain your balance. Never give up.” – Unknown
“Just because things didn’t turn out like you wanted it to, doesn’t mean your future can’t be better than you’ve ever imagined.” – Unknown
“Things don’t always happen the way we planned. As we learn to trust in God’s plan, we will see that He has our best interests at heart.” – Dan Ellis
“Things don’t always happen the way we planned. As we learn to trust in God’s plan, we will see that he has our best interests at heart.” – Unknown
“When things didn’t go as you planned, don’t be let down. Make new plans. The sun doesn’t stop shining just because of dark clouds.” – Unknown
“Do not sit on your dreams whining and pitying yourself. Use the resources you have to live the life that is happening right now.” – Kate Maurice
“Things don’t always go as planned, but it’s when you make a plan out of the unplanned and make the best of the unlikely things in life.” – Auliq Ice
“Just let go. Let go of how you thought your life should be, and embrace the life that is trying to work its way into your consciousness.” – Caroline Myss
“The time will pass anyway, you can either spend it creating the life you want or spend it living the life you don’t want. The choice is yours.” – Unknown
“Don’t be so fond of what you planned that somehow to change it seems like a violation of your own choice and wisdom. It’s just the opposite.” – Lee Carroll
“I tend to roll with the punches so if things don’t go exactly as planned, I always perceive it as the universe making things the way they should be.” – Mike Ruiz
“God’s plan is always the best. Sometimes the process is painful and hard. But don’t forget when God is silent, He is busy working things out for your good.” – Unknown
“Things don’t always go as planned. A dent in our plans seems inevitable at some point. Just remember, the comeback is more important than the setback.” – Unknown
“As you go through life you’ll see there is so much that we don’t understand, and the only thing we know is things don’t always go the way we planned.” – The Lion King
“Things always don’t work out the way we want, but they work out the way they are supposed to. Every road, even the bumpy ones, leads us to our destination!” – Unknown
“Sometimes you have to stop worrying, wondering, and doubting. Have faith that things will work out, maybe not how you planned, but just how its meant to be.” – Unknown
“Things might not always go as planned, you still gotta make the best out of life. Turn the negatives into positives. Don’t allow anything to steal away your joy!” – Unknown
“Just because something didn’t work out according to the way you planned it, doesn’t mean it didn’t work out for the best. Blessings are often disguised as pain first.” – Unknown
“Wake up to reality! Nothing ever goes as planned in this world, the longer you live, the more you realize that in this reality only pain, suffering and futility exists.” – Madara Uchiha
“Sometimes life doesn’t go according to the plan. Sometimes heading in a new direction can be scary until you realize you’re headed toward a new and exciting destination.” – Unknown
“Inconsistency comes from the inability to accept that progress takes time. Still your impatient heart and believe that what you’re working towards will come at the right season.” – Unknown
“Today let me reassure you, God knows right where you are and He knows how to get you to where you need to be. Even when things don’t go the way you planned, His hand is on you.” – Victoria Osteen
“Things might not go as planned, but at the end of the day it’s up to me to take the risks and do what I love most. And I don’t owe anybody an explanation. My journey is my journey.” – Janelle Monae
“Sometimes, it doesn’t take another person to mend a broken heart, it takes acceptance that things don’t always go the way they were planned and just move on with life.” – Shaniah Blue, Mend Her Broken Heart
“You’re the mourning the loss of what you thought your life was going to be. Let it go. Things don’t always work out how you plan. That’s not necessarily bad. Things have a way of working out anyway.” – Frasier Crane
“Do you feel disappointed because something you planned didn’t work out If so you can get re-appointed today. In God there are never any dead-ends only detours. Don’t ever give up. Just keep trying until you succeed.” – Joyce Meyer
“Faith that it’s not always in your hands or things don’t always go the way you planned, but you have to have faith that there is a plan for you, and you must follow your heart and believe in yourself no matter what.” – Martina Mcbride
“When a million little things go right, that’s called success. Failure functions as the great leveler. When things don’t go as planned, it’s humbling. It’s important to make mistakes along the way, or we would be impossible to live with.” – Judy Frankel
“I don’t think that was too successful. Because I always thought that the two of them should have been more separate. Also I had planned the monorail station to be in the center. So that one day you would have go to World Showcase and then the other day to Future World.” – John Hench
“Things might not happen the way we have planned. We might lack while executing the things. Try to be happy while spending your some precious moments. Things would always go great with the flow. Don’t bother your nerves by thinking so much. May be your smile would help to make things fall at the place.” – Unknown
To help you achieve your highest potential these wise and thought-provoking embrace life and moments quotes, sayings, and proverbs, collected from a variety of sources over the years.
If you are motivated with these wise words of wisdom, feel free to spread the positive vibes and share it with friends and family on Pinterest, Facebook, Tumblr, Instagram, Twitter, and more.
If we have missed some quotes, share it with us in the comment section below and we shall be happy to add it to the list.