Read these encouraging therapy quotes, sayings, and captions to help your mental health, wellness, and overall well-being.
Therapy—sometimes called psychotherapy, talk therapy, or counseling—is meeting with a trained professional to take care of your mental and emotional health.
These insightful quotes on therapy will encourage you to open up your mind, talk, and engage in self-reflection and will inspire you to rub off the daily stress, sadness, and melancholia.
There is a common misconception that therapy is only for people who have been diagnosed with a mental health condition like depression, but people go to therapy for all sorts of reasons.
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You can reach out to a therapist to deal with and heal your past traumas, reconcile conflicts, and discuss your emotional ups and downs.
If you are struggling with negative feelings, prolonged grief, or a mental health condition like depression, then seeing a therapist can be an amazing tool to help you become emotionally stronger and learn coping tools you can use for the rest of your life.
These positive therapy quotes will give you to right motivation to start your journey toward emotional healing and growth.
Don’t forget to check our collection of mental health quotes and mentally tired quotes for success and happiness.
Top 10 Therapy Quotes To Help You
- “Smile, it’s free therapy.” – Douglas Horton
inspirational therapy quotes
- “Acting’s not therapy, but it can be therapeutic.” – Josh Peck
- “Therapy was the biggest romance of my life.” – Dar Williams
- “We may define therapy as a search for value.” – Abraham Maslow
- “My therapy has come from paying attention to my life.” – Oprah Winfrey
therapy quotes for depression
- “To go into therapy is an adventure, not really to iron anything out.” – Jeff Bridges
- “Words of comfort, skillfully administered, are the oldest therapy known to man.” – Louis Nizer
- “The best therapy is actually the more aggressive kind when they break you open; they unleash you.” – Cara Delevingne
- “I do it as therapy. I do it as something to keep me alive. We all need a little discipline. Exercise is my discipline.” – Jack LaLanne
- “In therapy, I have learned the importance of keeping spiritual life and professional life balanced. I need to regain my balance.” – Tiger Woods
Inspirational Therapy Quotes For Your Mental Health
Therapy is a powerful tool that can help you heal from your past trauma and improve your quality of life.
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Therapies are generally very helpful for people, not only for the ones who have some mental health conditions but for anyone who needs a listening ear during a difficult life situation.
These motivational therapy quotes will inspire you to begin your journey toward self-growth and development.
- “I’ve realized therapy is incredibly therapeutic.” –Lisa Schroeder
- “Cooking and baking is both physical and mental therapy.” – Mary Berry
- “Acting is therapy. It keeps you in contact with your feelings.” – Diego Luna
- “Money doesn’t buy happiness, but it does pay for therapy.” – Travis Kalanick
therapy quotes funny
- “To be tested is good. The challenged life may be the best therapist.” – Gail Sheehy
- “And for me, it’s acting. I find acting very therapeutic for whatever it is.” – Kevin Bacon
- “If you break your knee, you have therapy on your knee, and it’s the same for your heart.” – Toni Braxton
- “Just putting my uniform on keeps me going. Being able to get out there keeps me going. That’s the best therapy.” – Eric Davis
- “I’m very physical. I love to work out; I’m very athletic. It’s a great therapy, not only for my body but for my mind.” – Edgar Ramirez
- “Music is therapy. Music moves people. It connects people in ways that no other medium can. It pulls heartstrings. It acts as medicine.” – Macklemore
- “Psychotherapy works, and some types of therapy have been shown to be much more effective than antidepressants over the long run.” – Irving Kirsch
- “Music is therapy for me. It’s my outlet for every negative thing I’ve ever been through. It lets me turn something bad into something beautiful.” – Amy Lee
- “Massage therapy has been shown to relieve depression, especially in people who have chronic fatigue syndrome; other studies also suggest benefit for other populations.” – Andrew Weil
- “There are a variety of techniques to help people change the kind of thinking that leads them to become depressed. These techniques are called cognitive behavioral therapy.” – Irving Kirsch
- “The key to nature’s therapy is feeling like a tiny part of it, not a master over it. There’s amazing pride in seeing a bee land on a flower you planted – but that’s not your act of creation, it’s your act of joining in.” – Victoria Coren Mitchell
- “Writing is a form of therapy; sometimes I wonder how all those who do not write, compose or paint can manage to escape the madness, melancholia, the panic, and fear which is inherent in a human situation.” – Graham Greene
- “Sometimes it takes dealing with a disability – the trauma, the relearning, the months of rehabilitation therapy – to uncover our true abilities and how we can put them to work for us in ways we may have never imagined.” – Tammy Duckworth
- “Cognitive therapy is a fast-acting technology of mood modification that you can learn to apply on your own. It can help you eliminate the symptoms and experience personal growth so you can minimize future upsets and cope with depression more effectively in the future.” – David D. Burns
Best Quotes About Therapy & Counseling
There may be a time in your life when you have a feeling constantly mentally tired and emotionally drained when a lot stress and anxiety takes on you.
These therapy quotes will inspire you to visit a therapist and discuss your mind freely whenever you feel like you are going through some difficult situations in life.
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Working with a mental health professional in therapy will help you heal from the memories of the past that keep holding you back.
- “I don’t know how people can live without a therapist.” – Neve Campbell
- “I should have a therapist. I have plenty to therapise about.” – Norah Jones
- “I realized that therapy helps me explain what I’m feeling better.” – Charlamagne Tha God
- “I’m a therapist and that fascinates people because they think I carry secrets.” – Susie Orbach
- “There’s nothing wrong or weak about seeking a therapist. I have a therapist.” – Dan Reynolds
- “Laying on the floor and listening to music might be all the therapy that you need.” – Danielle LaPorte
- “Through therapy and a lot of thinking and writing my memoirs, I’ve been able to use my life as a lesson.” – Jane Fonda
- “The role of the therapist is to reflect the being/accepting self that was never allowed to be in the borderline.” – Michael Adzema
- “THERAPISTS – You are here to change the world. I know it. In your heart you know it. Live your passion. Do it. Seriously.” – Unknown
- “I believe that the therapist’s function should be to help people become free to be aware of and to experience their possibilities.” – Rollo May
- “Therapy is hard work- and not just for the therapist. That’s because the responsibility for change lies squarely with the patient.” – Lori Gottlieb
- “The exact beginning of the counseling profession is unknown, but its roots may be found in a range of helping relationships that have spanned cultures and societies throughout the ages.” – Unknown
- “Talking to a therapist, I thought, was like taking your clothes off and then taking your skin off, and then having the other person say, “Would you mind opening up your rib cage so that we can start?” – Julie Schumacher
- “Therapy and counseling can do wonderful things for people. But they have emerged so far as what are sometimes called ‘cottage industries’ – that is, as individuals or small groups offering generally quite expensive services to a few clients.” – Alain de Botton
- “Individual psychotherapy – that is, engaging a distressed fellow human in a disciplined conversation and human relationship – requires that the therapist have the proper temperament and philosophy of life for such work. By that I mean that the therapist must be patient, modest, and a perceptive listener, rather than a talker and advice-giver.” – Thomas Szasz
Therapy Quotes To Inspire Healing & Self-Care
Addressing your state of mind to a therapist can help you to come out of a cluttered mind and can give you the right direction to move forward.
Working with a therapist gives you an opportunity to explore your feelings, thoughts, and concerns. It helps you to develop coping strategies to handle difficult situations.
The main goal of therapy is to inspire you to change for the better and improve the quality of your life through self-exploration and self-awareness.
- “Therapy’s like going to the gym.” – Chris Pine
- “Movies are like an expensive form of therapy for me.” – Tim Burton
- “The wilderness is healing, a therapy for the soul.” – Nicholas Kristof
- “The greatest healing therapy is friendship and love.” – Hubert H. Humphrey
healing therapy quotes
- “Rest is not the answer, Activity and therapy help healing most.” – Joerg Teichmann
- “There are many ways of getting strong, sometimes talking is the best way.” – Andre Agassi
- “I wish you’d help me look into a more interesting problem – namely, my sanity.” – Kurt Vonnegut
- “Therapy is like a toothbrush. You can’t really put it to use for anybody but yourself.” – Linda Holmes
- “It is painful to face the self we know we have never had the integrity to honor and assert.” – Nathaniel Branden
- “Working out makes me feel strong and energized every time. It’s my therapy for my mind and my body.” – Stacy Keibler
- “I believe that a different therapy must be constructed for each patient because each has a unique story.” – Irvin D. Yalom
- “I’m on a constant path of self-discovery and change. I’m trying to become a better person, a nicer person. I love therapy – it’s brilliant.” – Julia Sawalha
- “The ultimate goal of therapy… it’s too hard a question. The words come to me like tranquility, like fulfillment, like realizing your potential.” – Irvin D. Yalom
- “Food is a lot of people’s therapy – when we say comfort food, we really mean that. It’s releasing dopamine and serotonin in your brain that makes you feel good.” – Brett Hoebel
- “If you are not happy with something, you should change it. So I went to a lot of therapy, and finally, I am able to speak up for myself: You are going to hear me roar!” – Katy Perry
Best Therapy Quotes For Depression & Anxiety
Therapy be it physical or emotional will always help you feel better and relaxed. Some people often find music, massage, gym sessions, being with a group of friends, or nature therapeutic.
Things you love doing like art or gardening are therapeutic, it helps you to feel better about things, especially about a situation that made you unhappy.
- “Love received and love given comprise the best form of therapy.” – Gordon Allport
- “I love being in therapy. It’s just constantly fulfilling for me.” – Jennifer Jason Leigh
- “People do not come into therapy to change their past but their future.” – Milton H. Erickson
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- “Actions create consequences which produce new worlds, and they’re all different.” – Ruben Blades
- “There are people who have benefited from therapy without being confronted with the past at all.” – Alice Miller
- “People in therapy are often in therapy to deal with the people in their lives who won’t go to therapy.” – Unknown
quotes about therapy
- “I don’t feel like myself unless I run. It’s how I deal with sadness and happiness. I need it. It’s like therapy.” – Kara Goucher
- “Good therapy helps. Good friends help. Pretending that we are doing better than we are doesn’t. Shame doesn’t. Being heard does.” – Anne Lamott
- “Therapy really did prepare me to become an empathic songwriter. As far as advice goes, it’s a matter of self understanding first.” – William Fitzsimmons
- “The purpose of therapy is not to remove suffering but to move through it to an enlarged consciousness that can sustain the polarity of painful opposites.” – James Hollis
- “Therapy is not to ‘talk about’ things, but to change the person’s life, and to relieve suffering, such as depression, anxiety, or relationship problems.” – David D. Burns
- “The principle aim of psychotherapy is not to transport one to an impossible state of happiness, but to help (the client) acquire steadfastness and patience in the face of suffering.” – Carl Jung
- “I didn’t learn about depression or anxiety at school. So when I had to go to my parents to say ‘I need help, I need to go to therapy,’ I felt like this weird, messed up kid. And I wasn’t, but I felt that way.” – Lili Reinhart
- “It’s incredibly liberating to spend an hour talking to someone and not caring about what you sound like. It’s about understanding myself. Sometimes I’ll speak to my therapist for an hour a day. It’s become part of my routine.” – Shakira
- “Therapy is about understanding the self that you are. But part of getting to know yourself is to unknown yourself-to let go of the limiting stories you’ve told yourself about who you are so that you aren’t trapped by them, so you can live your life and not the story you’ve been telling yourself about your life.” – Lori Gottlieb
Famous Therapy Quotes To Encourage You
- “Exercise is a therapy.” – Unknown
mental health therapy quotes
- “I believe in your therapist.” – Unknown
- “Emotional well-being is just as important to us as breathing is!” – Unknown
therapy quotes
- “Laughter is the most beautiful and beneficial therapy God ever granted humanity.” – Charles R. Swindoll
- “Occupational therapy practitioners ask, “what matters to you?” not, “what’s the matter with you?” – Unknown
- “The one thing I really learned, and learned well, in group therapy was that you don’t die if someone doesn’t like you.” – Rita Moreno
- “It’s hard to understand how you’re feeling, or That’s why sometimes people seek counseling. you don’t even know.” – Metta World Peace
- “Sunset is the only therapy I need. There is something magical about it, it makes you feel things. And with every new sunset that feeling is always different.” – Tadas Petrovas
- “My feeling on therapy is it’s a luxury, and if you’re fortunate enough to get some smart people to talk to about life, then that’s fortunate and you should go for it.” – Matthew Perry
- “I would say that I began with a very edgy, very driven personality and after a sufficient amount of therapy over many, many years, I managed to become rather relaxed and happy.” – John Cleese
- “A talk with a child is cheaper than therapy – although if that’s your reason for talking to children, you should probably still get the therapy.” – John Alejandro King a.k.a. The Covert Comic
- “The goal of EMDR therapy is trait change so that the negative emotions and sensations will no longer habitually arise.” – Francine Shapiro, Florence W. Kaslow and Louise Mafield
- “Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it.” – Helen Keller
- “Just about every therapist or counselor or social worker is practiced in dealing with people going through failing relationships, ending them, and confronting issues of custody and support.” – Laura Wasser
- “Effective therapy begins with the acceptance of the therapist into the client’s quality world.” – William Glasser
Positive Therapy Quotes To Brighten Your Day
Life can be challenging at times. Keeping up with daily life chores and expectations is quite stressful. Amidst all stress and anxiety, we often find our minds clouded with random thoughts, ideas, and anxiousness.
All the regrets of the past, worries about the future, and overthinking can make you feel negative about most things.
Encouragement and support from your family members, friends, a therapist, or a counselor can help you get higher success in achieving your goals.
- “I don’t need therapy. All I need is the gym.” – Unknown
“Sometimes a workout is all the therapy you need.” – Unknown
“Therapy is too good to be limited to the sick.” – Erving Polster
“Therapy can be a good thing: it can be therapeutic.” – Alex Rodriguez
“Talking the best therapy in every set of circumstances.” – Nivya Kinkhabwala
“Medicine adds days to lives, Occupational therapy adds life to days.” – Unknown
“Mind control is built on lies and manipulation of attachment needs.” – Valerie Sinason
“Occupational Therapy is where science, creativity, and compassion collide.” – Jessica Kensky
“Occupational Therapy Practitioners know that hope still glimmers in the darkest hour….. ” – Unknown
“Movement is a medicine for creating change in a person’s physical, emotional, and mental states.” – Carol Welch
“Drama can feel like therapy whereas comedy feels like there’s been a pressure and a weight lifted off of you.” – Gabrielle Union
“Art therapy encourages individuals to express and understand emotions, resolve issues and improve self-awareness.” – Unknown
“A bat was suffering from mental illness and went to a bad therapist. The bad therapist gave the following advice: “Just hang in there…” – Unknown
“Deep inside us, we know what every family therapist knows: the problems between the parents become the problems within the children.” – Roger Gould
“I won’t say that writing is therapy, but for me, the act of writing is therapy. The ability to be productive is good for my mental health. It’s always better for me to be writing than vegetating on some couch.” – Raymond E Feist
Isolation, loneliness, conflict with family members, or losing a loved one to death are some reasons that can affect someone’s mental health badly.
It’s important to share your feelings and fears with your loved ones and seek professional consultancy if you think you can’t get on a positive note.
These encouraging therapy quotes and counselor quotes by famous therapists and psychologists will encourage you to share your feelings during troubled times.
Do not forget to read our posts on quotes on yoga and meditation for a great relaxing day.
What are your favorite therapy quotes and sayings about mental health? Let us know in the comment section below.
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