Looking for inspirational quotes about step parents? We have rounded up the best collection of step parent quotes, sayings, messages, captions, and texts, (with images and pictures) to express your love for your stepparents.
We have also included step-parent birthday wishes, thank you greetings, appreciation cards, and poems to wish them all the best in life.
It’s not easy being a parent, but being a stepparent can be an even bigger challenge. As a stepparent, you have to raise the kids of your partner in the best possible way without messing things up.
You have to fulfill your responsibilities as a parent, keeping a lot of things in your mind. There are boundaries that you cannot cross as your stepchildren may not like them.
Being a step parent to someone’s children is a beautiful relationship and a blessing from God. It may come with some challenges as it’s not easy to love and accept someone else’s child. But love and sincere efforts towards your step-children will bridge all the gaps and make them finally trust their step-dad or step-mom.
These meaningful quotes are divided into these sections;
Step Parent Quotes
Inspirational Quotes About Step Parents
Bad Step Parent Quotes
Share these short and uplifting step parent quotes with your blended family or split family and strengthen your bond with them. If you like these positive quotes on step-parents then check our posts on step daughter quotes and blended family quotes to express your love for your family.
Step Parent Quotes Full Of Love
“We aren’t “step”, we aren’t “half”, we’re just family.”
“You are the greatest gift that any child could ever receive.”
“Stepparents can be awesome. Because their love is a choice.”
“A good stepparent can literally turn the life of a child around.” – Unknown step parenting quotes
“Being a step parent means your actions speak louder than DNA.” – Unknown step parent quotes
“Step parents are the savior of every child’s lonely and longing heart.”
“Anyone can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a stepdad.” – Unknown quotes about step parents
“A step parent is like a glue that sticks the family again that is once broken.”
“Unlike my real parent, he stayed on my side and support all my endeavors.”
“Being a stepmom means they grew inside of my heart instead of my tummy.” – Unknown being a step parent quotes
“The best step parent is someone who could love you more than your real ones.”
“You are the kind of stepson that all fathers would want their real sons to be like.” – Unknown
“We came from different roots and different trees but our hearts are bound as one.” – Unknown
“Love of a step parent is not different from the love of a real one – it is pure and true.”
“My home once become dark but when you came, you light every room in our hearts.”
“Family is not always defined by names. Sometimes it is define by love and sincerity.” – Unknown quotes about step parents love
“You offer blood, tears and sweat. I offer nothing. You complete my home, my family.”
“Step parent is someone who bravely took the position of the hardest job in the world.”
“A child cannot have too many people who love them and want to help them succeed.”
“Behind a lot of great kids is a stepparent who stepped up, stepped in and gave a sh*t.”
“It’s not flesh and blood but the heart that makes us father and son.” — Johann Schiller
“I am not ready when you came but you open your arms for me and hug my lonely heart.”
“You never treated me as an extra. For you I am a bonus, I am special and I am your own.” – Unknown step parent quotes images
“They exist in child’s life not to replace his biological parents but to make his life complete.”
“The only difference between real parent and step parent is the word STEP. Love is the same.”
“I did not came from your womb, I was not held first at your arms. But I feel love first at you.”
“Any man can help make a child, but it takes a special man to help raise a child.” – Tony Gaskins
“He came like a lightning- he struck our lives with all his might-but unlike lightning, he stayed.”
“Step parent comes to our life when we least expected it, at times they come on our down point.”
“I am not from your womb, your blood is not my blood but you make me feel that I’m your own.”
“My stepdad may not have given me life, but he sure has made my life better.” – Gerardo Cambell
“A step parent is a truly amazing person. They made a choice to love another’s child as their own.”
“Intimacy between stepchildren and stepparents is indeed proverbially difficult.”- Murasaki Shikibu
“Proud Stepmoms. We’re not trying to be someone else. We’re pretty wonderful just being ourselves.”
“A stepparent is so much more than just a parent; they made the choice to love when they didn’t have to.”
“Families don’t have to match. You don’t have to look like everyone else to love them.”— Leigh Anne Tuohy
“Family is family, whether it’s one you start out with, the one you end up with, or the family you gain along the way.”
“The only steps in this house are the stair steps and the only half in this house is the half & half creamer.”- Al Hodson
“Stepparents are not around to replace a biological parent, rather to augment a child’s life experience.” — Azriel Johnson
“My mom is my heart. But my stepdad was my role model, the hardest working man I ever knew.”- Brian Urlacher
“Blended families: Woven together by choice. Strengthened together by love, tested by everything, and each uniquely ours.”
“Dear Bio Parent: I will not love my stepchild under your conditions. I will love then unconditionally.” — The Sassy Step Mama
“Not being biologically related to a child doesn’t make you any less of a parent. being a real parent isn’t in the DNA, it’s in the heart.”
“Biological, step, foster, adoptive. It’s not the before parent that defines you, but rather the love and commitment in your heart.”
“It takes someone really brave to be a step parent. Someone strong to raise a child not their own, but to love them with all their heart anyway.”
“Being a step parent is a rough job. But going to bed every night knowing that you are loved by kids who aren’t biologically yours is a great feeling.”
“If you are a stepparent, rush right out and get yourself a dog. Because it’s very nice to have someone in the house that loves you.”- Delia Ephron
“Stepparenting is like working at a late-night convenience store…all of the responsibility and none of the authority.”- Valerie J Lewis Coleman
“A parent is the person who raises, loves, and provides for their child. It doesn’t matter if they are a biological parent, step parent, adoptive parent, or foster parent.”
“Who cares if another woman or man loves your child, plays with your child, or builds a healthy relationship with your child — either way your child is benefiting.” — Jessica James
“Co-parenting is not a competition. It’s a collaboration of two homes working together with the best interest of the child at heart. Work for your kids not against them.” – Anne Brown
“Stepparents, those fairy tale villains, have been given a bad name. They’re easy targets. When the family goes awry, how easy to blame them. I was blessed by the right steps.” – Eileen Granfors
“A stepparent doesn’t just marry a spouse: they marry their spouse’s entire situation. They have to find a balance between supporting and defending without overstepping visible and invisible boundaries.”
“Children that are raised in a home with a married mother and father consistently do better in every measure of well being than their peers who come from divorced or step parent, single parent, cohabiting homes.”
“Remember why you chose to come together in the first place — the love that you have for your partner. Your partner’s children are an extension of them and this makes them just as important to your happiness.” — Beth Huber
“Sometimes it doesn’t matter how “nice” you are. A child’s need to please their mother often overrides their ability to accept a stepmother. Learning not to take this kind of rejection personally is one of the biggest challenges a stepmom will face.”
“Step-parenting and being a step-sibling presents a lot of exciting opportunities. When families break up and re-form, there may be less order, less certainty, and a bit more trauma involved, but kids can end up having half-a-dozen parent figures.”- Morris Gleitzman
“Even if you are a totally confident parent, being a step-parent can be the hardest thing you’ll ever do. Don’t give up. You make an important difference. It may take years, but you’ll learn of things you did and said that changed their lives for the better. You’ve been placed in their lives for a reason.”
“My step kids mean the world to me. I love them more than they can see. It isn’t always easy, sometimes it’s pretty tough. But I wouldn’t trade a minute. Not even to miss the small stuff. We may not look alike. And people may not understand. But you are my son and daughter. Bound by more than just a wedding band; they say God works in mysterious ways, and I was blessed with being able to raise. The most amazing children I have ever met. And to have the family I was blessed to get.”
“A stepparent never knows when they should speak up. They are often worried about stepping on toes, getting backlash for something they said, or even something they didn’t say – something misinterpreted by the ex or incorrectly passed on to the ex by the kids. And there’s usually a fear of the stepchild not liking them anymore. What an awful existence, living with someone who doesn’t like you – but often holds so much power in the house. It’s exhausting to be so unsure of oneself. And walking on eggshells for an extended period of time will wear out even the strongest of spirits.”
Inspirational Quotes About Step Parents
Usually, we get a negative vibe when we hear the word step be it a stepdad, stepmom, or even step-siblings. But in reality that is not the case. Having a step parent means you have one more person in your life who will give you special attention.
Getting a bonus mom or dad means having more adults in your life who will love you, guide you, and support you. And if you are lucky you will get bonus siblings too. Step-parents make really good confidants, listeners, and supporters. They try to strike a balance between being a parent and a friend.
You don’t have to share the same DNA with someone to be a part of your family, emotional bond requires love and affection towards each other. If you like these uplifting quotes about step parents then check our post on father’s day quotes and mother’s day quotes to express your unconditional love for your parents.
“Parenthood requires love, not DNA.”
“I did not give you the gift of life. Life gave me the gift of you.”
“The adoption took time. The love arrived instantly.”- Unknown
“The power of a dad in a child’s life is unmatched.”- Justin Ricklefs
“The greatest gift I have receive is his name, his support and his love.”
“We may not related by blood, but your love make us related and family.”
“We are not step nor half for we are a real family joined by absolute love.”
“Step parent is special for she took the responsibility of other’s responsibility.”
“Never belittle a step parent’s love for sometimes it is better than anyone else.”
“Step parent is amazing for they love other’s children as their own, as their life.”
“What it takes to become a step parent? A strong, determined and loving heart.”
“Parenthood is not measured by genes and blood but by support, care and love.”
“Parenting is not an easy job especially when you have to raise somebody’s child.”
“Sometimes being a parent is not defined by DNA, it is defined by heart and soul.”
“Loving another’s child is a noble profession that only a good step parent could do.”
“He who is not my blood nor my root but he gave me life that my own blood couldn’t.”
“A step parent is the one who could complete the missing pieces of our family portrait.”
“I don’t have stepchildren, I have children who happened to be born before I met them.”
“Loving else’s child is not stupidity. Instead it is bravery for not everybody could do that.”
“I came from another woman’s womb, another man’s tree but you treat me like your own.”
“God gave me a step parent that is precious as a gem, shining as a star and loving as Him.”
“A family is not only for biological parents and their children but it is for those who loved.”
“He might be my step parent but his love is never half nor fake for the love he gave is true.”
“I don’t have a step parent, I have a parent who is happened to come after my first parent.”
“It is not flesh and blood but the heart which makes us fathers and sons.”- Johann Schiller
“I closed my eyes in this cruel world and live in the darkness for a long time until you came.”
“The job of a step parent is not easy as the job of a real parent for they took care else’s child.”
“The role of step parents are not to replace the biological parent but to guide child’s growth.”
“I can’t choose my family nor my parents but if I could choose a step parent it would be you.”
“A step parent is more than just a parent for they choose to love when they are not required.”
“It takes a strong woman to step up for other’s responsibility, other’s fruit, and other’s child.”
“Bonus mom love: I did not give you the gift of life, life gave me the gift of you.” – Unknown
“Appreciation is not enough for the braveness of step parents. Pure love is what they deserve.”
“Imagine how brave step parents are for they love other’s child and took other’s responsibility.”
“You treated me like your own, your own blood and your own treasure. For you, I am your life.”
“I thought my father is the best I could have and no one could ever replace him until you came.”
“My step parent fill up every pieces of my puzzle, color my book and brings meaning on my life.”
“Before, my life is incomplete and dull- when you came, you make me complete and my family.”
“A family requires love not DNA, it requires respect not money and it requires faith not wealth.”
“To be sure a stepmother to a girl is a different thing to a second wife to a man!”- Elizabeth Gaskell
“Family isn’t defined only by last names or by blood it’s defined by commitment and by love.”- Dave Willis
“For better or worse, step-parenting is self-conscious parenting. You’re damned if you do, and damned if you don’t.”
“A parent is the person who raises, loves and provides for the child. It doesn’t matter if you share the same blood or not.”
“A dad is someone who wants to catch you before you fall but instead picks you up, brushes you off, and lets you try again.”
“A child who is allowed to be disrespectful to his parents, even stepparents will not have true respect for anyone.” – Unknown
“It takes a strong man to accept somebody else’s children and step up to the plate another man left on the table.”- Ray Johnson
“Any fool can have a child. That doesn’t make you a father. It’s the courage to raise a child that makes you a father.”- Barack Obama
“He adopted a role called being a father so that his child would have something mythical and infinitely important: a protector.”- Tom Wolfe
“Stepmoms are the most unselfish people out there. They love and care for someone else’s child without any questions. Don’t take us for granted.”
“When it feels as if you can’t do right by the other parent, do right by your step-child instead. You’ll never fail with best interest at heart.”- Jessica James
“Being a childless stepmom can make you feel like a fraud in the motherhood department. But your maternal role matters in your blended family.”- Unknown
“A healthy stepmother knows that somedays she’s a stagehand, somedays she’s the leading lady and somedays she’s the audience… and she plays each role with style and grace.”
“Every parent has the ability to free their child from a loyalty bind by saying ” It’s okay to like or love your stepparent. I want you to have a wonderful relationship with them. There’s enough love to go around.”
“Stepmoms deserve the same respect a mother would receive. They pour all of their time, energy and love into a child they didn’t even create. Stepmoms don’t do it because they have to. They do it because they want to.”
“It’s only when you grow up and step back from your father, or leave him for your own career and your own home it’s only then that you can measure his greatness and fully appreciate it. Pride reinforces love.”- Margaret Truman
“No one tells you that your relationship with your partner must come first. One of the biggest mistakes step couples make is putting the needs of their relationship last. A stepfamily can’t survive without a strong, connected couple steering the ship. Prioritizing your relationship isn’t done at the expense of the kids; it’s done for them.”- Unknown
“Step-Mother: One who does all the things that a biological mom does, yet gets rejected and degraded regardless of how great she is. She loves and care for another child with all she has while denying her own happiness. She invests her heart and soul into a child that she did not birth. She sustains mistreatment and unfairness, yet remains steadfast in her battle. She is portrayed as a monster, although she is a saint. She waits and hopes for the day that she will be acknowledged, appreciated, accepted, and loved. For she too is a mother.”- Unknown
Bad Step Parent Quotes
A lot of stepmoms and stepdads are wonderful people who treat their stepchildren like their own, and do their best to make a new happy family with love and care.
But we also come across cases where self-centered stepmom or stepdad will not prove to be good step-parents.
They may be emotionally unavailable, narcissistic, or perhaps uncaring when it comes to things that you need. A bad step-parent can create an unhealthy family situation based on betrayal, rejection, cheating, drama, and selfishness.
A toxic stepfather or stepmother can have a very bad influence on the childhood of their kids. When you have unsupportive parents, you are hurt deep down in your heart and feel very disappointed.
These quotes reflect the struggles of the complicated relationship of stepmom/stepfather with their step child.
“Better a serpent than a stepmother!”- Euripides
“The new-come stepmother hates the children born to a first wife.”- Euripides
“If a man or woman can’t accept your child, then he/she is not the man or woman for you.”
“Toxic parents care more about how you make them look than how you actually feel.” – Unknown
“We care for each other and care about our family, and we are both working towards the same goal.” – Angelina Jolie
“Stepbully: A person who is habitually cruel or overbearing or behaves like a bully towards members of his or her stepfamily.”
“If your parents ignored you, or if they are just not emotionally available, or if they yell a lot, that is a type of trauma.” – Tucker Max
“As a parent, you should be more concerned with your child’s happiness than your petty insecurities and jealousies. Just a thought.”
“Children shouldn’t have to sacrifice so that you can have the life you want. You make sacrifices so your children can have the life that they deserve.”
“Parents – especially step-parents-are sometimes a bit of disappointment to their children. They don’t fulfill the promise of their early years.” – Anthony Powell
“A good parent teaches love. A bad parent teaches hate. Which parent are you? Do you refuse your child’s right to see the other parent? Teach Love Not Hate!”
“Co-parenting is not a competition. It’s a collaboration of two homes working together with the best interest of their child at heart. Work for your kids not against them.” – Unknown
“Step parents can play a part in alienating the children from the other parent and step parent. Be a good step parent and stop supporting this selfish game you’re helping with. This isn’t okay! Your role is to support and love the child not help use them as a pawn. Children need to be loved and not used.” – Unknown
Being a step mom or a step dad can be complex at times. There may be trust issues between the stepchildren and parents. But love can make everything beautiful and turn your bond into a precious relationship. S
tep parent quotes show the wonderful bond and understanding between stepparents and stepchildren.
These famous step parent quotes also cover unappreciated step parent quotes, evil step parent quotes, good step parent quotes, family with step parent quotes, being a step parent quotes, and love of a step parent quotes.
How did you find these quotes about step parenting? If you have any other inspirational quotes to add to the list, let us know in the comment section below.
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