Read the best collection of relationship sorry quotes, sayings, messages, captions, paragraphs, and status, (images and pictures) to inspire you to be sorry and apologize to your loved one.
Wondering how to apologize to someone you hurt deeply? This happens a lot of times when your acts or words may hurt someone and ruin your relationship.
Also See: I’m Sorry Quotes
Apologizing is a crucial aspect of maintaining healthy relationships. When we make mistakes or hurt those we care about, it’s important to take responsibility for our actions and express genuine remorse.
If you realize your mistake and regret it, then go ahead and express your apology to your partner. Don’t waste time overthinking.
Reach out and let her/his know your feelings. This will ease the negative vibes and get back things to normal soon.
Sometimes you may find it difficult to get the right words to express your feelings about being sorry.
Also See: Apology Quotes For Her
Try to text explain your repentance. Ask sincerely for forgiveness and show that you have changed as communication can make him/her understand.
Admitting your faults and sincerely being sorry for them is important to set things right.
Mend your relationship with these relationship apology quotes, texts, and wallpapers may help you to convey your feelings of regret to her and sort things out in your favor.
Sorry quotes can be a powerful way to convey our regret and show our commitment to making things right.
Relationship Sorry Quotes To Apologize
- “I’m sorry. Please accept my apologies. I love you.”
- “Fools say sorry wise men will prove they are sorry.”
- “I am sorry if I ever contributed to the suffering of your heart.” – Unknown
relationship sorry quotes
- “Sometimes the best way to say “I’m sorry” doesn’t involve words.” – Unknown
boyfriend relationship sorry quotes
- “I’m not perfect, I make mistakes, I hurt people. But when I say sorry, I mean it.” – Unknown
relationship love sorry quotes
- “I’m sorry I can’t be the perfect girl you want me to, but all I can really do is try …”
- “I’m sorry for being so annoying and demanding, for the things that I did the wrong way.”
- “I just want to tell you that I did not really know what happened to me, I’m sorry, my love.”
- “I have learned that sometimes SORRY is not enough. You actually have to change yourself.” – Unknown
relationship sorry for hurt u quotes
- “Dearest I know saying sorry is not enough for my fault. I promise I will change myself genuinely.”
- “My heart has been leaking and bleeding since the day I hurt you. Please plug the holes with your forgiveness. I am sorry.”
- “Regret, heartbreak, and sadness have stolen my life’s happiness. I am sorry for letting you down, but I promise to erase your frowns.”
- “Never try to dominate the one who say sorry to you for their mistake. Because, they understand, you are more important than their ego.”
- “Sometimes saying sorry is the most difficult thing on earth But its the cheapest thing to save the most expensive gift called relationship.”
- “Apologizing does not always mean that you’re wrong and the other person is right. It just means that you value your relationship more than your ego.”
- “I am saying sorry because our relationship is important to me. It does not matter to me anymore who is right and who is wrong. Hope you can feel it.”
- “Forgive me, forgive this fool. Sorry that I acted so cruel. I love you and I will love only you. Take my hand and let’s start anew.” – Gabrielle Yana Concepcion
- “I believe forgiveness is the best form of love in any relationship. It takes a strong person to say they’re sorry and an even stronger person to forgive.” – Yolanda Hadid
- “My love for you is so strong, I cannot allow for something of such minor importance to have such a great impact on our relationship. I beg you to forgive me, I love you.”
- “If I had a time machine, you wouldn’t be reading this message right now because I would have gone back in time and undone the hurt I caused you. I regret my actions badly and I am very sorry.”
Relationship Sorry Quotes For Her
If you have hurt your loved ones or misbehaved with your girlfriend, boyfriend or anyone, simplify it with a genuine Sorry.
Also See: I’m Sorry Quotes
“I am sorry” may be the toughest three words to say, but they can heal wounded hearts and relations. Never give in to your ego and create distances and this will only mess things up.
- “I can’t express my feelings except to say; I’m really sorry.” _ Unknown
relationship sorry quotes for her
- “Apologizing for what you feel is like apologizing for being real.”
- “I want you back. I’m sorry. I should have never let you go. Am I too late?”
- “You know you’re not sorry if you cheated you’re just sorry you got caught.”
- “I said “I love you” and I meant it. But I hurt you, now “I’m sorry” and I mean it.”
- “If you wanna love someone, then make sure you never gonna have to say “sorry”.”
- “I hope you give me another chance to prove myself to you and show you I love you.”
- “There is a pain here in my heart ever since you have stopped talking to me, I’m sorry.” – Unknown
relationship sorry quotes for wife
- “Let me tell you that I did not like a single bit of what I did now that I had reflected on it.”
- “Please excuse all my actions, please forgive the wrongs that I had done to you, dear you.”
- “Give me a chance to show you that I can be of something worth to you, let me show you.”
- “You can say sorry in over 1000 ways. Only when it comes from the heart, does it matter?”
- “I trust fate and I believe in love, which is why I know you’ll accept my apology. I’m sorry.”
- “If losing you is my punishment for the things I did wrong, I would rather die than see that.”
- “Smart people always say sorry, while the stupid ones just wait for the smart one to say sorry.”
- “Saying sorry to the person you love and not mean it is a waste of time you may as well just leave her.”
- “By asking forgiveness your not going to become bigger or smaller in value but the person who forgives you has a very big heart.”
- “A simple apology could fix a friendship that shouldn’t have ended in the first place. Don’t let your ego stop you from doing what’s right.”
- “I took for granted, all our smiles, laughs and memories. I promise I’ll never do it again because they mean the world to me. I am sorry.”
- “With a bruised heart and a deflated ego, with a sad soul and a head hung low. I apologize to you unconditionally, baby I am really very sorry. I love you.”
Relationship Love Sorry Quotes
These deep and emotional relationship sorry paragraphs and texts are will help you to tell your partner how bad you feel hurting them.
By using sorry quotes to express our regret and commitment to change, we can build stronger and more meaningful relationships with those we care about.
- “I never meant to hurt you… I’m sorry.”
sorry relationship quotes
- “Sorry doesn’t prove anything unless you mean it.”
- “You look in my eyes and I’m screaming inside that I’m sorry.”
- “I am sorry if I hurt you but I want you to know this, I love you.”
sorry love quotes
- “Please don’t stop talking to me I really care for you I am sorry for what I did.”
- “Promises mean everything .. But once they are broken..sorry means nothing!!”
- “I’m so sorry for hurting your feelings I take back my words hope you’ll forgive me.”
- “Take your time, don’t worry. I’ll wait forever, if that is what it’ll take for you to forgive me…”
- “I am sorry – if you accept my apology we can move on from being angry and get on to being naughty.”
- “Oh I m sorry for blaming you for everything I just couldn’t do And I’ve hurt myself from hurting you.”
- “Saying I m sorry is saying I love you with a wounded heart in one hand and your smothered pride in the other.”
- “Ever since I have hurt you I have been feeling really miserable let’s chill and be cool again. I’m sorry please forgive me.”
- “EGO three letters that hold you back from saying things your heart is dying to say like I love you I miss you and I am sorry.”
- “Hey love, I am sorry for all the things that I have messed up between us. Life feels incomplete when we are not talking. I love you.”
- “I am so sorry for what I have done for saying those things that hurt you the most I didn’t mean to hurt you please stay I love you so much.”
- “I overlooked your happiness in an attempt to make myself happy only to realize that my happiness lies in yours. I am sorry please forgive me.”
- “Sorry for hurting you like this but believe me without you my life is dull I cannot afford to lose you over something so stupid. Please forgive me.”
- “Saying ‘sorry’ does not always mean you’re wrong, and the other individual is correct. It just means you value your relationship more than your sense of self.”
- “My heart will rot in guilt because I will never forgive myself for what I did… but it will still continue beating to seek solace in your forgiveness. I’m sorry my love.”
- “It’s so hard to say I’m sorry, because I understand that it won’t change anything. All I can do is change the way I treat you. I promise I’m trying harder than ever. For you, I will do everything I can.”
Relationship Sorry Quotes For Him
If you made your husband/wife feel miserable and hurt their feelings, then they might not want to attend your calls and meet you.
These heart-touching sorry quotes will help you convey your feelings to your boyfriend/partner. Misunderstandings, fights, and arguments happen in all relationships. And it does make us sad and deeply hurt.
But when someone is truly sorry about their behavior then a sincere apology message can do wonders.
- “I’m sorry. I know it is hard to forgive me.”
- “I can’t change the past but you can by forgiving me, I am sorry.”
sorry quotes for love
- “I’m not perfect, I make mistakes, I hurt people. But when I say sorry, I mean it.”
- “I’m a big mess, and that’s the last thing you need right now… But this mess loves you endlessly.” – Unknown
emotional sorry message for boyfriend
- “I feel so ashamed that I showed my worst side to the best thing that has ever happened to me. I’m sorry…” – Unknown
relationship apology quotes
- “Words can not explain how ashamed I am. I am so sorry dear husband. I feel awful, please forgive me. I’m sorry.”
- “A relationship is like a house. When a light bulb burns out you do not go and buy a new house, you fix the light bulb.”
- “I am sorry. I’m sorry for being so rude and bossy. I’m trying to change and I need your help in doing so. Please stay by my side.”
- “Hurting you is the last thing I wanted to do. It was never my intention. I hope you don’t misunderstand me. I’m sorry my love.”
- “Sorry for all my white lies. I promise that from now on our relationship will be free of lies, irrespective of their color. I’m sorry, I love you!”
- “We must develop and maintain the capacity to forgive. He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love.” – Martin Luther King Jr.
- “Ever since we started dating you have done everything I asked you to. As one last favor, please forgive me so that I can start doing everything that you want me to. I am sorry.”
- “Hey babe, I know I make many mistakes, but trust me you’re the most important person of my life. And if I’m saying sorry, I actually mean it. Just a reminder, I love you more than anything.”
- “You can always say sorry, but the real apology is when you hear the sadness in their voice and see the look in their eyes. And you realize that they have hurt themselves just as much….” – Kid Cudi
- “Apologies require taking full responsibility. No half-truths, no partial admissions, no rationalizations, no finger pointing, and no justifications belong in any apology.” – Cathy Burnham Martin
- “No woman has ever been more blessed to call you, husband. Please don’t let my deplorable behavior overshadow the beautiful days we’ve had, and hopefully, there will be many more to look forward to. I’m sorry my Husband!” – Anonymous
- “I’m sorry for the times I hurt you, for the times I lied to you, and for every other reason you’re so angry at me. I know my apologies don’t mean shit to you, but aside from that, all I can do is promise to try to be better in the future, if there is a future. I love you.”
- “I know that I messed up, and you have every right to be angry with me. I was not thinking. I really did not want to put our relationship in jeopardy. I do not know what I would do without you. I love you so much. Can you find it in your heart to forgive me?”
- “I wanted to apologize for disappointing you. I know I let you down. I couldn’t follow through on my end, and for that I am so very sorry. I hate to let anyone down, and most of all, you, the love of my life. It broke my heart when you gave up on me. But I wanted you to know I’m really sorry. I will forever miss you.” – Payne Hawthorne
- “Love was never meant to be easy, people fight, people make mistakes, people walk out and then run back, but when it comes to love, there is no limit to what you would do for one another. To protect, to provide, to profess. It’s a lot harder to stay together than to fall apart, but with your love for one another being unconditional will make it worth every second.” – Unknown
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