Looking for inspirational quotes about positive affirmations for women. We have rounded up the best collection of positive affirmations for women, quotes, sayings, captions, positive thoughts with images and pictures) to encourage women to manifest their thoughts into things.
As we know the law of attraction states that thoughts become things. Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.
Affirmations are positive statements that can help you to challenge and overcome negative thoughts. Journaling affirmations and speaking positively about yourself or any aspect of your life be it mental toughness, confidence, beauty, family, or more will help you to manifest your dreams into reality.
Women can use positive affirmations to enhance their physical appearance, beauty, and to feel more attractive, provided they control their negative thoughts and completely evade them.
These powerful words will help you grow stronger, increase your inner strength, confidence, mental toughness, and get your dream job, success, house and more. These positive affirmations will help you get over a divorce, a heart break or any other difficult situation in your life.
These powerful affirmations are divided in these sections:-
Positive Affirmations For Women
Powerful Morning Affirmations For Women
Daily Affirmations For Women
I Am Affirmations For Women
Here is a list of some of the most positive affirmations for women that will boost your self-esteem, self-worth, and self-acceptance.
“I am beautiful and smart. Everyone I encounter sees me as smart and beautiful.”
“I am fully in charge of my future. I am the only one who can dictate the outcome.”
“The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me.” – Ayn Rand
daily affirmations for women
“I compliment myself daily. I love the goodness within. I learn to love myself more.”
“I will not criticize myself. I will love myself for who I am and for what I have become.”
“I will participate in the day to the greatest of my ability. I will give today my very best.”
“I am beautiful. I am confident. I am the perfect age, the perfect size, the perfect woman.”
“I can change the world with what I do. The more effort I give the more I will get out of it.”
“This is the period of time that is a recovery for both me and my baby. We will rest together.”
“I will let go of my worries I cannot control. I will focus my energy on only what I can control.”
“Only my thoughts are my reality. I will focus on the good and the joyful and avoid the negative.”
“I will not look at the darkness in the world around me but instead at the light that is within me.”
“I will ask for meaningful work and will do my very best. I will find it rewarding with whatever I do.”
“My marriage is divinely protected. Nothing can separate us and we are together till the end of time.”
“Even when I don’t look great, I look in the mirror and I tell myself how beautiful I am.” – Hayley Kiyoko
“I deserve the best, and I accept it now. All my needs and desires are met before I even ask.” – Louise Hay
“I am enough. I believe in me. I am worthy of love. I am on my side. I take care of myself. My heart knows.”
“I now release all unwanted built-up emotional patterns that prevent me from connecting to my inner self.”
“I fully trust my ability. I trust my ability to provide for my family. I trust in my ability to care for my family.”
“I will only compare myself to myself. I know what greatness I can accomplish and I will only hold myself to that.”
“I am enough. I am smart. I attract positivity. I am confident. I attract opportunity. I am kind. I am worthy of good things.”
“Every problem I ever face will have a solution. There has never been a question without an answer. I just need to discover the answer.”
“I will award and praise myself for my accomplishments. I will not dwell on the praise of others for my own praise is more than enough.”
“I will follow my dreams no matter what happens around me. The only person who can prevent me from achieving my dreams is me.”
“I will not compare myself to anyone else because everyone is on their own personal journeys. My journey is unique and cannot be compared.”
“I am a smart, capable, brilliant woman, and I have everything I need to get through this. When I make it through this I will be better for it.”
“I do not need anyone else to thrive in this life. I do not need to depend on anyone else to success in this life. I am all that I need and I am enough.”
“I enjoy the work I do. I know the work I do will help the greater good. I will always strive to put in my best every day, regardless of what is going on around me.”
Powerful Morning Affirmations For Women
Feeling beautiful is not just an outer job but an inner job as well. To feel attractive, confident and beautiful you need to feel the same from within.
Positive speaking and thinking is life transformational. There is an abundance of everything in this Universe, you just need to ask for it and truly believe that we can receive it. These positive morning affirmations will help you increase your confidence manifold times at work and personal life too.
“Today is a beautiful day.”
“I am excited to start the day.”
“It is enough to have done my best.”
“YOU. ARE. ENOUGH.” – Mandy Hale
“Wherever life plants you, bloom with grace.”
“My contributions are unique and meaningful.”
“I empower myself and all women in the world.”
“When you can’t find the sunshine, be the sunshine.”
“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.”
“I am worthy of accomplishment, success, and abundance.” morning affirmations for women
“I am proud of the person I am becoming.” – Selena Gomez
“Every challenge I face is an opportunity to grow and improve.”
“Be so happy that when others look at you, they become happy too.”
“Nothing can dim the light that shines from within” – Maya Angelou
“I will surround myself with people who love me and who care for me.”
“I believe in myself so much that nothing is going to stop me.” – Conor McGregor
“It is too early to give up on my dreams. It is always too early to give up on my dreams.” i am affirmations for women
“The ultimate truth of who you are is not I am this or I am that, but I Am” – Eckhart Tolle
“Never bend your head. Always hold it high. Look the world straight in the eye.” – Helen Keller
“I will not give up until I have tried everything. And when I have tried everything I will look for other ways to try.”
“I am happy with who I am. I am happy I am in my own skin. I am enough and I do not need to be someone else.”
“I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.” – Jimmy Dean
“I will relax my mind and I will stop thinking of the false stories. I will allow my mind to unwind and be at peace.”
“We do not need magic to transform our world. We carry all the power we need inside ourselves already.” – J.K. Rowling
“The answer is always in front of me, even if I have not yet seen it. As long as I continued to search I will find the answer.”
“I will choose my friends who love me for me. Those who do not love me for me are not my friends and I need to let them go.”
“The more you repeat to yourself that you can do it, the more that path will be grooved in your mind.” – Maxime Lagacé
“I’ve learned it’s important not to limit yourself. You can do whatever you really love to do, no matter what it is.” – Ryan Gosling
“My friends will not judge me. My friends will not influence what I do in my life. My friends have my best intentions in mind.”
“Everything that I need will be provided to me at the right time and the right place. When something is meant to happen it will happen.”
“I wake up every morning with hope for the day. I will start my day out with joy as joy is what I want to give and what I want to receive.”
“I was once afraid of people saying, ‘Who does she think she is?’ Now I have the courage to stand and say, ‘This is who I am.’” – Oprah Winfrey
“Every hardship I go through will make me better for the future. The hardships help prepare me and harden me. I can do greater things because of these hardships.”
“The past no longer matters. It has no control over me. What only matters is the present. What I do in the present will shape my future. The past has no say in this.”
“I believe in myself and I believe in the path I have chosen. I cannot choose the obstacles in my way, but I can choose to continue on my path, because it leads to my goals.”
Daily Affirmations For Women
Positive self-talk and affirmations help you to manifest their dreams into reality.. Think from a place of gratitude “knowing” that your wish has already happened and exists right now. People who have tried this, vouch to have seen amazing results when they regularly do positive affirmations.
Daily reminders, affirmations automatically change our mindset and can invite good things in life. It is very rightly said, “Thoughts Becomes Things” so think positive for all the good in life.
“I accept myself.”
“I am happy and full of joy.”
“I am strong, able, and calm.”
“I recognize my own self-worth.”
“I love my body.” – Kelly Clarkson
“I can powerfully attract what I want.”
“I am surrounded by beautiful people.”
“I will take things on a gentle approach.”
“I attract abundance and wonderful things.”
“Thank you for blessing me with good health.” positive affirmations for black women
“I feel the love of others who are not around me.”
“Everything I’m looking for is already within me.”
“I radiate positive energy to all of those around me.”
“Nothing will stand in my way of having a great day.”
“I forgive myself and others for any mistakes made.”
“I trust that I have the capability to achieve my goals.”
“I am grateful for all of the wonderful things in my life.”
“I take responsibility for who I am: the bad and the good.”
“I give permission to my inner goddess to work her magic.”
“I choose to be proud of myself and the things I choose to do.”
“Don’t say, ‘If I could, I would.’ Say, ‘If I can, I will.’” – Jim Rohn
“I always feel confident. I never allow myself to not feel confident.” – Amber Rose
“I’m beautiful no matter what. My curves are beautiful. I am who I am.” – Demi Lovato
“Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
“I don’t like to gamble, but if there’s one thing I’m willing to bet on, it’s myself.” – Beyoncé
“My mind is clear of self-doubt, and I am ready to embrace every challenge that comes my way.”
“I’m giving you permission to root for yourself and while you’re at it root for those around you, too.” – Mindy Kaling
“I’m better than I used to be. Better than I was yesterday. But hopefully not as good as I’ll be tomorrow.” – Marianne Williamson
“We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be?” – Marianne Williamson
“This day is priceless. All the money in the world will not bring it back again. And so, I seize it, and savor it, and honor it.” – Robin Sharm
“I am not only enough, I am more than enough. I also get better every day I live. Tomorrow I will be a better version of myself than I was today.”
“I will accept people for who they are and will support them as they continue to follow their own dreams. Even if I do not understand I will always support them.”
“Today is a glorious day, and I’ll live it at excellence, with boundless enthusiasm and limitless integrity, true to my visions and with a heart full of love.” – Robin Sharma
“My family is a gift. We do not always agree and that is okay. Each family member is their own person and has their own line of thinking. But that doesn’t stop us from being family.”
“Those who love me will always love me, even if they do not fully understand my dreams. True friends and family will love me regardless of what my dreams. False friends will love me because of my dreams.”
I Am Affirmations For Women
Positive reminders to yourself that life is good and good things happen is enough to get the day going with a great zeal. Affirmations are a key factor when using “I have the knowledge to make smart decisions for myself.” the Law of Attraction and manifesting your dream life!
Here is a list of some beautiful and meaningful affirmations to uplift your self confidence, mental strength, and health recovery because an Affirmative thought is 100 times more powerful than negative thoughts.
“I am enough.”
“I’m worthy of love.”
“I will succeed today.”
“I’m more at ease every day.”
“I am worthy of what I desire.”
“I’m calm, happy, and content.”
“I deserve to have joy in my life.”
“I am deciding to hold onto faith.”
“My heart is filled with love and joy.”
“My potential to succeed is limitless.”
“My body is healthy, and I’m grateful.”
“My life becomes richer as I get older.” Positive Affirmations For Women Printable
“I let go of all that no longer serves me.”
“I’m courageous and stand up for myself.”
“I’m confident in who I am and my abilities.”
“I approve of myself and love myself deeply.”
“I love my body and I am proud of my color.”
“I love myself fully, including the way I look.”
“I don’t need someone else to feel happiness.”
“I’m going to make you so proud. – note to self.”
“I can absolutely do anything I put my mind to.”
“I am not held back by fear, doubt, or insecurity.”
“Am I good enough? Yes I am” – Michelle Obama
“My life is a gift and I appreciate everything I have.”
“I am beginning to feel free from stress and anxiety.”
“I choose not to criticize myself or others around me.”
“I will not compare myself to strangers on the Internet.”
“I am creating a workplace that inspires and motivates me.”
“I am a do-er. I will take action and get things accomplished.”
“I love and appreciate myself. I am who I am and I love myself.”
“I will always trust myself to make the best decision for myself.”
“I’m strong, I’m powerful and I’m confident.” – Serena Williams
“I’m allowed to make mistakes; they don’t make up my whole story.”
“I am religious and God’s love is working through me now and always.”
“I am the greatest. I said that even before I knew I was.” – Muhammad Ali
“I’ll surround myself with positive people who will help bring out the best in me.”
“I will always show my family how much I love them by how I act and what I say.”
“I am doing the best I can for my child. I am a caring, kind, and generous mother.”
“I will listen to my mind and let my gained wisdom help direct me down the right path.”
“I am an amazing gift to myself, my friends, and the world. I am too much of an amazing gift to feel self-pity.”
“I will always love my own family even if they do not understand the decisions I make or the directions I take.”
“I am womanly in my presence, caring in my attitude and loving in my personality. And I am proud to be a woman.”
“I do not need the company of others to feel complete. I am more than enough. I enjoy being in my own solitude.”
Body Love Affirmations For Women
The power of affirmation and positive thoughts cannot be undermined and will inspire you to control your future. So always be wise and positive about your words and thoughts.
“I am at peace with my body.”
“My pregnant body is beautiful.”
“My imperfections make me unique.”
“My (body part) is perfect the way it is.”
“I am grateful to be living in this divine female body.”
“If my body requires healing, I will take joy in doing it.”
“I deserve to feel safe, comfortable and confident in this body.”
“I accept myself the way I am. My body is perfect the way it is.”
“My body is my responsibility, and I will do what’s best for me, for me.”
“My body is a tremendous gift, and I will treat it with love and kindness.”
“I allow love to fill every inch of my skin, and I will embrace the warmth this love gives to me.”
Let us know which of these motivational quotes about me inspired you the most. Don’t forget to check out our collection of powerful mind over matter quotes and short encouraging quotes to attract positivity in your life.
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