Top 20 Luke Belmar Quotes Inspire You

Explore the top Luke Belmar quotes and sayings to inspire you about money, success and life.

Luke Belmar is an internet personality, investor, and entrepreneur who was born in Argentina and moved to the USA at the age of 16. He is the successful co – founder of Capital Club who made big money online. He made his fortune from digital advertising, e-commerce, drop-shipping, and investing in crypto and NFTs​.

Top 10 Luke Belmar Quotes

  1. “Life degree > College degree.” — Luke Belmar 

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    luke belmar
  2. “Bet on yourself against all odds.” — Luke Belmar 

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    luke belmar quotes
  3. “You must pay the price of success.” — Luke Belmar 

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    luke belmar quote
  4. “Become so good you become undeniable.” — Luke Belmar 

    luke belmar famous quotes
    luke belmar famous quotes
  5. “The beauty of life is that everyone has the chance to change.” — Luke Belmar 

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    luke belmar quotes images
  6. “Program yourself, or be programmed.” — Luke Belmar 

    luke belmar sayings
    luke belmar sayings
  7. “Becoming free is the greatest form of rebellion.” — Luke Belmar 

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    quotes by luke belmar
  8. “If they don’t pay your bills then their opinion does not matter.” — Luke Belmar 

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    quotes of luke belmar
  9. “They call you lucky because they don’t know what you know.” — Luke Belmar
  10. “If you’re good at sales you’ll never go broke a day in your life.” — Luke Belmar

Famous Quotes By Luke Belmar

  1. “Forge your own destiny. Break the cycle of poverty.” — Luke Belmar
  2. “Stop blaming others and start taking accountability for your life.” — Luke Belmar
  3. “It’s not that you don’t have time it’s that you waste the time that you have.” — Luke Belmar
  4. “Abundance mindset is key. Nothing big was ever accomplished by thinking small.” — Luke Belmar
  5. “Embrace the long game. Patience is the ultimate competitive advantage in the game of life.” — Luke Belmar
  6. “Broke is a condition of the mind not the pocket. Fix your mind the rest will take care of itself.” — Luke Belmar
  7. “Do not accept the roles society gives you. Reinvent yourself. Embody your fullest potential. Do not settle.” — Luke Belmar
  8. “Consistency compounds. Small steps effectively executed will guarantee your success. This is inevitably the best way to win.” — Luke Belmar
  9. “Don’t chase success, let it chase you. Create value, and success will inevitable come your way. Remember that greatness is built, not found.” — Luke Belmar
  10. “If you truly wanted to be successful you would be successful. Most people say they ‘want it’ but their habits and lifestyle say the complete opposite.” — Luke Belmar


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