Looking for famous lines from the your fav character Jack Burton? We have rounded up the best collection of Jack Burton quotes, dialogues, funny lines, captions, status, (with images and pictures) which you will love to read from the movie Big trouble in little China.
Jack Burton is a lead character in the film Big Trouble in Little China. He is main protagonist in the 1986 film.
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Jack is a truck driver and battles Lo-Pan throughout the entire movie. The film tells the story of Jack Burton, who helps his friend Wang Chi rescue Wang’s green-eyed fiancée from bandits in San Francisco’s Chinatown.
By the end of the film, he hits the open road. He is played by Kurt Russell who later played The Commander.
He is a funny and relatable character, but one who is brave and full of determination. These quotes from the movie by your fav character are funny, meaningful, and will make you think!
Top 10 Jack Burton Quotes
- “I was born ready.” — Jack Burton
- “Abandoned like hell!” — Jack Burton
- “Son of a bch must pay!” — Jack Burton
- “Everybody relax, I’m here.” — Jack Burton
famous jack burton quotes
- “1,2,3…We Maybe Trapped.” — Jack Burton
- “We made it. Holy shit, we made it!” — Jack Burton
- “Ol’ Jack always says… what the hell?” — Jack Burton
- “Let’s you and me have a little talk, friend.” — Jack Burton
- “You got a tongue, Dave. Ask her yourself.” — Jack Burton
- “Seven. Hey, don’t worry, I can handle him.” — Jack Burton
Best Jack Burton Quotes
- “May the wings of liberty never lose a feather.” — Jack Burton
jack burton quotes
- “This is gonna take crackerjack timing, Wang.” — Jack Burton
- “Sooner or later I rub everybody the wrong way.” — Jack Burton
best jack burton quotes
- “Oh, my god, no. Please! What is that? Don’t tell me!” — Jack Burton
- “We really shook the pillars of heaven, didn’t we, Wang?” — Jack Burton
- “Tall guy, weird clothes. First you see him, then you don’t.” — Jack Burton
- “If you have problem like that again, just reach for the sky!” — Jack Burton
- “[Speaking to Lo Pan] Are you crazy… Is that your problem?” — Jack Burton
- “Oh, okay, I won’t, Wang! Let’s just chew our way outta here.” — Jack Burton
- “Damn right, you will. And my money, and time is money to a guy like me.” — Jack Burton
Famous Jack Burton Quotes
- “Which Lo Pan? Little old basket case on wheels or the ten foot tall roadblock?” — Jack Burton
- “How do you do, ma’am? Henry Swanson’s my name and excitement’s my game.” — Jack Burton
- “I’m a reasonable guy. But, I’ve just experienced some very unreasonable things.” — Jack Burton
jack burton quotes images
- “Gracie: I’d go with you but… Jack Burton: I know, there’s a problem with your face.” — Jack Burton
- “I took something. I can see things no one else can see. Why’re you dressed like that?” — Jack Burton
- “What does that mean? Huh? “China is here.” I don’t even know what the hell that means.” — Jack Burton
- “This is Jack Burton in the Pork Chop Express, and I’m talkin’ to whoever’s listenin’ out there.” — Jack Burton
jack burton big trouble little china quotes
- “Would you stop rubbing your body up against mine, because I can’t concentrate when you do that.” — Jack Burton
- “I don’t know my policy number, it’s in the glove compartment. Just look under B-U-R-T-O-N, will ya?” — Jack Burton
- “A girl from China? All right, I never done that. I picked up girls from everywhere else, but never from China.” — Jack Burton
- “[On phone to insurance company]I’m gonna tell you about an accident, and I don’t wanna hear “act of God”” — Jack Burton
- “Like I told my last wife, I says, “Honey, I never drive faster than I can see. Besides that, it’s all in the reflexes.” — Jack Burton
- “I feel good, and I’m not scared at all. I just feel kind of . . . kind of invincible . . . Is it getting hot in here, or is it just me?” — Jack Burton
- “Okay. You people sit tight, hold the fort and keep the home fires burning. And if we’re not back by dawn… call the president.” — Jack Burton
- “Egg Shen: You will come out no more! Jack Burton: What? Huh? What’ll come out no more? Egg Shen: Come on. Jack Burton: Dammit!” — Jack Burton
- “What, I’m supposed to buy this shit? 2,000 years and he can’t find a broad to fit the bill? Come on, Dave, you must be doin’ somethin’ seriously wrong.” — Jack Burton
- “Is this gonna get ugly, now? Huh? I hope not. Because I thought what we were here, racial differences notwithstanding, was just a couple of old friends. You know, just both of us Californians.” — Jack Burton
- “Lo Pan: Then Ching Dai will be happy and my curse will be lifted! Jack Burton: And go off to rule the universe from beyond the grave. Lo Pan: Indeed! Jack Burton: Or check into a psycho ward, whichever comes first huh?” — Jack Burton
- “Well, ya see, I’m not saying that I’ve been everywhere and I’ve done everything, but I do know it’s a pretty amazing planet we live on here, and a man would have to be some kind of FOOL to think we’re alone in THIS universe.” — Jack Burton
- “Just remember what ol’ Jack Burton does when the earth quakes, and the poison arrows fall from the sky, and the pillars of Heaven shake. Yeah, Jack Burton just looks that big ol’ storm right square in the eye and he says, “Give me your best shot, pal. I can take it.” — Jack Burton
- “All I know is, this Lo Pan character comes out of thin air in the middle of a goddamn alley while his buddies are flying around on wires cutting everybody to shreds, and he just stands there waiting for me to drive my truck straight through him with *light* coming out of his mouth!” — Jack Burton
- “Okay, I get the picture White Tigers, Lords of Death, guys in funny suits throwing plastic explosives while poison arrows fall from the sky and the pillars of heaven shake, huh? Sure, okay, I see Charlie Chan, Fu Manchu and a hundred howlin’ monkey temples, and that’s just for starters, right? Fine! I’m back! I’m ready, goddammit let me at ’em!” — Jack Burton
Jack Burton Quotes From Big Trouble in Little China
- “What does that say? You’re kidding.”
- “6.9 on the Richter scale!”
- “Who wear red turbans?”
- “Yeah, right. Over my dead body.”
- “Oh gosh, cash, I guess. I mean, it’s not deductible, is it.”
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