Looking for meaningful about harmony? We have rounded up the best collection of harmony quotes, sayings, captions, (with images and pictures) which you can relate to.
The famous quotes are by great writers, authors, leaders, and actors which will give you a perspective about striking the perfect balance in love, life, and happiness.
The word harmony is usually used in terms of music, which means orchestration of musical notes and instruments in perfect sync and order. However, it is also used to mean agreement of ideas, feelings, or actions, or a pleasing combination of different parts.
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Achieving harmony in life, relations, and work is important for a happy and peaceful life. When things are in order and balanced then life runs smoothly.
When your thoughts are in perfect harmony with your words and actions, then you achieve mental harmony. It helps you to have a clear mind and experience joy and happiness in life. Being in harmony with life and maintaining a balance between different aspects is all about being in a pleasing arrangement.
We have divided these encouraging harmony quotes in these sections;
- Harmony Quotes
- Inspirational Quotes On Harmony
- Quotes About Musical Harmony
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Top10 Harmony Quotes
- “Be in harmony yet be different.” – Confucius
- “Art is a harmony parallel with nature.” – Paul Cezanne
- “The hidden harmony is better than the obvious.” – Heraclitus
- “Strive for balance. Then shall you find harmony.” – Unknown
harmony quotes - “Learn to be in balance and harmony with who you are.” – Unknown
- “Beauty is being in harmony with what you are.” – Peter Nivio Zarlenga
- “We don’t get harmony when everybody sings the same note.” – Doug Floyd
- “Harmony makes small things grow. Lack of it makes big things decay.” – Sallust
- “Harmony is one phase of the law whose spiritual expression is love.” – James Allen
- “Action gives power. Entire harmony pervades the universe of God.” – Ellen G. White
Harmony Quotes To Get In Tune With Life
- “When the mind and body are in harmony, the mind works better.” – Caroline Prohosky
- “Peace is more than the absence of war. Peace is accord. Peace is harmony.” – Laini Taylor
- “He who lives in harmony with himself lives in harmony with the universe.” – Marcus Aurelius
- “The life ahead can only be glorious if you learn to live in total harmony with the Lord.” – Sai Baba
- “Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance, order, rhythm and harmony.” – Thomas Merton
- “Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.” – Mahatma Gandhi
- “But what is happiness except the simple harmony between a man and the life he leads?” – Albert Camus
- “This world belongs to all of us, and all people should be able to live in respect and harmony.” – Michelle Yeoh
- “As difficult as it may seem, the secret to living in harmony is accepting others just as they are.” – Ellen Jaffe Jones
- “To survive in peace and harmony, united and strong, we must have one people, one nation, one flag.” – Pauline Hanson
- “Observe good faith and justice toward all nations. Cultivate peace and harmony with all.” – George Washington
- “And when love speaks, the voice of all the Gods makes heaven drowsy with the harmony.” – William Shakespeare
- “The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the Universe, to match your nature with nature.” – Joseph Campbell
- “Though I am often in the depths of misery, there is still calmness, pure harmony and music inside me.” – Vincent van Gogh
- “Harmony is a beautiful balance between mind, body, and soul measured in tender peaceful moments.” – Melanie Koulouris
- “The way to peace, harmony and balance for the planet is through the loving kindness of each individual heart.” – Laurence Overmire
- “You find peace by rearranging the circumstances of your life, but by realizing who you are at the deepest level.” – Eckhart Tolle
- “The highest education is that which does not merely give us information but makes our life in harmony with all existence.” – Rabindranath Tagore
- “One must marry one’s feelings to one’s beliefs and ideas. That is probably the only way to achieve a measure of harmony in one’s life.” – Napoleon Hill
- “The secret of success is to be in harmony with existence, to be always calm to let each wave of life wash us a little farther up the shore.” – Cyril Connolly
- “Always aim at complete harmony of thought and word and deed. Always aim at purifying your thoughts and everything will be well.” – Mahatma Gandhi
- “One who cannot live in harmony with others is regarded as an ignorant fool, even if he happens to be very learned in various matters.” – Thiruvalluvar
- “The simplification of life is one of the steps to inner peace. A persistent simplification will create an inner and outer well-being that places harmony in one’s life.” – Peace Pilgrim
- “To live in harmony means to live in moderation, not excess; to live with simplicity, not complexity; and to slow down, know oneself, and make wise choices.” – Brian Luke Seaward, Managing Stress
- “I compose my own vibration. Emotions happen, but feelings are fed. I honor what my emotions have come to tell me and I embrace my power to feed the feelings that I want to stick with. I am the composer of my inner harmony.” – Unknown
- “Where there is righteousness in the heart, there is beauty in the character. When there is beauty in the character, there is harmony in the home. When there is harmony in the home, there is order in the nation. When there is order in the nation, there is peace in the world.” – A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
Inspirational Quotes On Harmony
Life is all about working of different nature forces in tandem with each other. Working in sync and order is important for peace and harmony of the world.
Harmony in art overall is achieved when the elements of an artwork come together in a unified way. Similarly harmony in religion, family, relationship, workplace, communal, or racial, is important for coexisting with balance.
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There are different ways you can achieve harmony and balance in your life. This will clear things for you mentally and give you a clearer perspective of your life.
- “Harmony is pure love.” – Lope de Vega
- “Truth is inner harmony.” – Walther Rathenau
- “Beauty is the harmony of purpose and form.” – Alvar Aalto
- “Inner peace is the key to worldly harmony.” – Rasheed Ogunlaru
- “A family in harmony will prosper in everything.” – Chinese Proverb
- “The life of this world is nothing but the harmony of opposites.” – Rumi
- “Happiness is mental harmony; unhappiness is mental harmony.” – James Allen
- “Life blossoms when it is in a state of harmony and balance.” – Angie Karan Krezos
- “Eat healthily, sleep well, breathe deeply, move harmoniously.” – Jean-Pierre Barral
- “Harmony: A pleasing combination or arrangement of different things.” – Unknown
- “It is impossible to achieve harmony having only wealth.” – A. Joy Lee, Live And Enjoy
- “So what is discord at one level of your being is harmony at another level.” – Alan Watts
- “Love is the energizing elixir of the Universe, the cause and effect of all Harmony.” – Rumi
- “Harmony is when the sum is greater than the parts. A happy exaggeration.” – Jane Siberry
- “By living in harmony with nature one gains a healthy mind and body.” – Mata Amritanandamayi
- “We must all work together if we are all to live together in unity and harmony.” – Aung San Suu Kyi
- “Every thought that we put into the world affects it. Think love, think peace, think harmony.” – Unknown
- “A thing is deemed beautiful only when its parts are in harmony.” – Christopher Walker, Personal Harmony
- “Out of clutter, find simplicity. From discord, find harmony. In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.” – Unknown
- “The trials on the road to world harmony are no greater than the courage of those who accept the challenge.” Carl Lewis
- “Painful emotions show you what prevents you from creating harmony, cooperation, sharing and reverence for life.” – Gary Zukav
- “Spiritual healing is often experienced as a state of harmony, balance, greater well-being, and joyfulness…” – Susan Barbara Apollon
- “My faith will guide me closer to reach my ultimate destiny to find the peace and harmony I need.” – JJ Frost, Light Between the Shadows
- “Everything in the world is conducted by a gradual process. This seems to be the great principle of harmony in the universe.” – William Godwin
- “You are only afraid if you are not in harmony with yourself. People are afraid because they have never owned up to themselves.” – Hermann Hesse
- “Let’s all do our best to live in harmony with nature for ourselves and for our future generations.” – Kamaljit K Sangha, Ways to Live in Harmony with Nature
- “Worst peace must develop from inner peace. Peace is not just mere absence of violence. Peace is, I think, the manifestation of human compassion.” – Dalai Lama
- “For one thing , such a positive attitude puts one into harmony with this world of beauty, with nature itself.” – Norman Vincent Peale, Treasury Of Joy And Enthusiasm
- “There is a harmony in autumn, and a luster in its sky, which through the summer is not heard or seen, as if it could not be, as if it had not been!” – Percy Bysshe Shelley
- “We should choose simple ways of living…to live in harmony with nature by adopting simpler technologies and using natural resources innovatively.” – Sonam Wangchuk
- “Happiness exists on earth, and it is won through prudent exercise of reason, knowledge of the harmony of the universe, and constant practice of generosity.” – Jose Marti
- “Logically, harmony must come from the heart… Harmony very much based on trust. As soon as use force, creates fear. Fear and trust cannot go together.” – Dalai Lama
- “The simplification of life is one of the steps to inner peace. A persistent simplification will create an inner and outer well-being that places harmony in one’s life.” – Unknown
- “Love, care, kindness, and harmony are very important factors for survival when you experience hardships.” – Ruey J. Yu, Journey of a Thousand Miles: An Extraordinary Life
- “The key to living in harmony with others and living in harmony with oneself is a delicate balance of mind, emotion, intellect, and heart, tempered through experience.” – Bottrell
- “Our hearts resonate at the same frequency as the earth and the universe. Therefore, we are all valuable instruments in the orchestration of the world and its harmony.” – Suzy Kassem
- “Just as light brightens darkness, discovering inner fulfillment can eliminate any disorder or discomfort. This is truly the key to creating balance and harmony in everything you do.” – Deepak Chopra
- “We must all live in harmony, equally; love each other unconditionally; pull each other up; and be judged on the content of our character, not the color of our skin.” – Donna Hill, Confessions in B-Flat
- “When we practice living in harmony with our world, we become wiser about choosing our battles. We learn where we can use our energy to make a difference and where we need to let go.” – Unknown
- “Today I choose to be at peace; I choose to be happy and to be in harmony with all creation; I will have only acceptance and love all who cross my path today.” – Delia Delia, The Art of Intentional Living
- “Harmony cannot thrive in a climate of mistrust, cheating, bullying and mean-spirited competition. Success through intimidation and violence is temporary at best; its trifling gains only create new problems.” – Dalai Lama XIV
- “When we become a part of something more than ourselves, we must learn to live in harmony and peace by respecting the people and environment around us.” – Sheri A. Sutton, And so It Is: Recognizing God’s Presence in Our Lives
- “A wise woman recognizes when her life is out of balance and summons the courage to act to correct it, she knows the meaning of true generosity, happiness is the reward for a life lived in harmony, with courage and grace.” – Suze Orman
- “When our intentions are filled with love and harmony and we treat others with respect, we can help to create a safe and secure world with the intention of having all people live in peace.” – Theresa Donmoyer, Simple Action for the Spiritual Journey
- “The sole and basic source of our strength is the solidarity of workers, peasants and the intellectuals. The solidarity of the nation, the solidarity of people who seek to live in dignity, truth, and in harmony with their conscience.” – Lech Walesa
Quotes About Musical Harmony
The beauty of music is in the rhythm. When all the musical notes are in sync then we get great music. Similarly life is all about working in rhythm to create a harmonious life.
These inspirational quotes on music harmony will inspire you to admire the beauty of music in life. It’s creative, soul-feeding, and healing too.
- “Music creates order out of chaos.” – Yehudi Menuhin
“I may be helping to bring harmony between people through my music.” – Nat King Cole
“Music is expression of harmony in sound. Love is the expression of harmony in life.” – Unknown
“There is music wherever there is harmony, order, or proportion.” – Thomas Chandler Haliburton
“Music is harmony, harmony is perfection, perfection is our dream, and our dream is heaven.” – Henri Frederi Amiel
“When we pay attention to nature’s music, we find that everything on the earth contributes to its harmony.” – Hazrat Inayat Khan
“A musician must make music, an artist must paint, a poet must write, if he is to be ultimately at peace with himself.” – Abraham Maslow
“Music is a fantastic peacekeeper of the world, it is integral to harmony, and it is a required fundamental of human emotion.” – Xun Kuang
“We don’t get harmony when everybody sings the same note. Only notes that are different can harmonize. The same is true with people.” – Steve Goodier
“The great music’s of the world are great for very similar structural reasons: good melody, good harmony, and a balance of feminine and masculine energy.” – Chris Thile
“Education in music is most sovereign because more than anything else rhythm and harmony find their way to the innermost soul and take strongest hold upon it.” – Plato
“Nothing exists without music, for the universe itself is said to have been framed by a kind of harmony of sounds, and the heaven itself revolves under the tone of that harmony.” – Isidore of Seville
“It’s been amazing to create with one another because we’re so different when it comes to music. We love different genres. So to vibe together and create this Fifth Harmony sound is what makes it so special.” – Dinah Jane
“Music does a lot of things for a lot of people. It’s transporting, for sure. It can take you right back, years back, to the very moment certain things happened in your life. It’s uplifting, it’s encouraging, it’s strengthening.” -Aretha Franklin
More Inspirational Quotes
These famous quotes on harmony are collected from various sources, books, by famous authors, poets, leaders, spiritual gurus, who have always known importance of a balanced mind, body and soul in life.
Mental and emotional clutter can create chaos in your life. Prioritizing your work-life balance, organizing chores, and will help you achieve the best peace and happiness balance you are seeking. When you reflect on harmony within yourself, with the nature around you and the environment around you strike the right balance.
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