Looking for some beautiful quotes and wishes for Good Friday? We have rounded up the best collection of Good Friday quotes, sayings, captions, messages, wishes, greetings, lines, WhatsApp status (with images, pictures, photos) to remember the importance and meaning of the crucifixion of Jesus.
Good Friday is always the Friday before Easter. It’s the second-to-last day of Holy Week.
In 2025, Good Friday will fall on April 18th.
Good Friday is a day of mourning and sorrow over the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ and a reminder that the sins of all people made it necessary for him to die in the first place. It’s also a day of gratitude for the supreme sacrifice that he made.
It is also known as Holy Friday, Great Friday, Great and Holy Friday (also Holy and Great Friday), and Black Friday.
Also See: Cute Easter Captions & Quotes 2025
These Good Friday quotes and greetings are a mix of deep, spiritual, beautiful, inspirational and powerful to imbibe positive attitude and a sense of gratitude for the wonderful life we all are blessed with.
Good Friday Quotes And Wishes
- “It was my sin that nailed him there.”
- “GOOD FRIDAY! The day death died.”
- “Its finished! The hope of Easter begins.”
- “Nails didn’t hold Jesus to the cross. Love did.”
- “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.”
- “Good Friday: I thank you for your unfailing love. Amen.”
- “There is no Easter without a Good Friday.” – Matthew Fox
- “”I Love You” could not be said in a better way. Good Friday.”
- “Good Friday, a day to pause and reflect on God’s amazing grace.”
- “May your world be a beautiful place, on Good Friday, and always.”
- “Good morning. Happy Good Friday everyone. Have a blessed day!”
- He was wounded for our transgressions.” – Isaiah 53:5 (Bible Verse)
- “Good Friday: Light conquered darkness and goodness conquered sin.”
- “It is the resurrection that makes Good Friday good.” – Ravi Zacharias
- “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.” – Psalm 31 (Bible Verse)
- “We are Easter people living in a Good Friday world.” – Barbara Johnso
- “The symbol of the religion of Jesus is the cross, not the scales.” – John Stott
- “Good Friday, a day for some to remember our savior who died on the cross for us.”
- “Jesus went to the cross because God is holy and sin must be punished. Good Friday.”
- “In truth, there was only one Christian and he died on the cross.” – Friedrich Nietzsche
Heartfelt Good Friday Wishes
- May we reflect on God’s great love on this Good Friday.
- Let this Good Friday remind us of how much love God has for us.
- Let’s do all we can to give glory to God on this Good Friday.
- May this Good Friday bring peace and hope into your life. Have a blessed day.
- May the sacrifice of Jesus Christ inspire you to walk the path of love and compassion.
- Let us remember the sacrifice of Christ and walk in His ways. Wishing you a meaningful Good Friday.
- Wishing you a day filled with divine blessings and spiritual enlightenment. Happy Good Friday.
- “Remembering Good Friday. The son of man must suffer many things,… and be killed.”
- “Behold the Lamb of God, that takes away the sin of the world.” – John 1:29 (Bible Verse)
- “Life is a maybe, Death is for sure. Sin is the cause, Christ is the cure! Happy Good Friday!”
- “Mercy, peace and love. May the grace and Lord surround and be with you on Good Friday.”
- “Good Friday: Jesus will listen your all prayer this day. Wishing you a blessed Good Friday.”
- “The Passion of the Christ opened up on Ash Wednesday, had a Good Friday.” – Billy Crystal
- “Unless there is a Good Friday in your life, there can be no Easter Sunday.” – Fulton J. Sheen
- “The lesson of Good Friday is to never lose hope – or at least give it 48 hours.” – Robert Breault
- “No pain, no palm; no thorns, no throne; no gall, no glory; no cross, no crown.” – William Penn
- “Thinking of you on Good Friday and praying that the Lord keeps you in his loving care always.”
- “Start this Good Friday with prayers and fasting so that we can earn God’s mercy and forgiveness.”
- “Very thankful for the many blessings the Lord has given me…Love you Lord. Happy Good Friday.”
- “Our old history ends with the cross; our new history begins with the resurrection.” – Watchman Nee
- “Holy Week is a good occasion to go to confession and to take up the right path again.” – Pope Francis
- “A life He sacrificed means a new life and hope for us. He is our Savior and forever He will be with us!”
- “He drained the cup of God’s wrath bone dry, leaving not a drop for us to drink.” – Richard Allen Bodey
- “Good Friday is a Christian day commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his death at Calvary.”
- “Christ has not only spoken to us by his life but has also spoken for us by his death.” – Soren Kierkegaard
- “May the glory of our Savior strengthen you and may His graces shine upon you on Good Friday and always!”
- “The sin of the Serpent has been changed. The sin has been stepped upon by Good Friday.” – Eric W. Gritsch
- “I asked Jesus, “How much you love me!” “This much” He answered. Then he stretched out his arms and died.”
- “Good Friday is a contraction derived from what was originally called ‘God’s Friday.'” – Deland Scott Anderson
- “He showed us the way. He has long been gone. And yet in our hearts His name shines on. Wish u a Holy Friday!”
- “May your faith in the God, bring peace to your heart, this Good Friday and always. Have a blessed Good Friday!”
- “May the loving-kindness of the highest God be with you as you take the time to reverence his name this Good Friday.”
- “Speculative Good Friday is the celebration of the self-sundering of reason in history.” – Deland Scott Anderson
- “Blessings to all on the Good Friday. We are served not by what we do but by what Christ has done. It is finished.”
- “On this Good Friday may we never forget the true meaning of Easter – For when He was on the cross, I was on His mind.”
- “For sin shall no longer be your master, because you are not under the law, but under grace.” – Romans 6:14 (Bible Verse)
- “At Sussen, the Devil carried off, last Good Friday, three grooms who had devoted themselves to him.” – Martin Luther
- “I am the witness to his fearless death. I am a token of his last promise Forgiveness I am the cross. Blessings on Good Friday.”
- “On the eve of the cross, Jesus made his decision. He would rather go to hell for you than go to heaven without you.” – Max Lucado
- “May the blessings of the Lord shine upon you on this holy day and may he always keep in his loving care. Happy Good Friday.”
- “May your faith in God, bring peace to your heart and new hope in your life. May God always bless you. Have a blessed Good Friday!”
- “He bore it all in silence because He held us dear. may He receive our regards. May our prayers he hear… Celebrate Good Friday!”
- “On this holy day, may his light guide your path, may his love grace your heart and may his sacrifice strengthen your soul! Good Friday”
- “Praying that the Lord blesses your heart with peace, holds you in his love and bestows upon you his grace on this holy day and always.”
- “Good Friday is good because it reminds us that the good is often painful; that God’s will for our lives demands that we love until it hurts.”
- “God proved His love on the Cross. When Christ hung, and bled, and died, it was God saying to the world, ‘I love you.'” – Billy Graham
- “When Good Friday comes, these are the moments in life when we feel there’s no hope. But then, Easter comes.” – Coretta Scott King
- “May the sacrifice of our Saviour be the inspiration for you to go forward and follow the light of redemption. Have a blissful Good Friday!”
- “Maybe the Good Friday story is about how God would rather die than be in our sin-accounting business anymore.” – Nadia Bolz-Weber
- “May on this Good Friday we start it with fasting and prayers so that we can bring God’s mercy and forgiveness on all mankind. Let’s pray together.”
- “The cross is not the terrible end to an otherwise god fearing and happy life, but it meets us at the beginning of our communion with Christ.” – Dietrich Bonhoeffer
- “By the cross we, too, are crucified with Christ; but alive in Christ. We are no more rebels, but servants; no more servants, but sons!” – Frederic William Farrar
- “Good Friday Blessings: But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. Have a blessed day!”
Good Friday Messages for Social Media
If you’re looking for Good Friday messages to post on Instagram, Facebook, or X, here are some thoughtful posts;
- On this Good Friday, let us pause to reflect on the ultimate sacrifice and the promise of salvation. ✝️ #GoodFriday #Faith
- The cross is proof of the greatest love. May this Good Friday remind us to love selflessly.❤️✝️ #Blessed”
- No greater love than this: that He laid down His life for us. #GoodFridayReflections
- Good Friday teaches us that love and sacrifice go hand in hand. May we always choose kindness and faith. #HolyFriday”
- His sacrifice gave us salvation. May we honor this gift by walking in His light.🌟#FaithOverFear
History Of Good Friday, And It’s Importance
Good Friday is a Christian holiday commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus and his death at Calvary. It is observed during Holy Week as part of the Paschal Triduum on the Friday preceding Easter Sunday, and may coincide with the Jewish observance of Passover.
Why Is It Called Good Friday? Is It A Sad Or Happy Day?
People often ask that Good Friday being the day when Jesus was crucified so why is this day celebrated? It is said that good is just a misrepresentation of Holy Friday, and some argue the fact that Good Friday is an imitation of God’s Friday.
There are a few people who also believe that it is called Good Friday as it signifies a day that you go to the church and pray to God, and you spend your day taking part in religious activities.
It is the same as giving good tide to someone on any other religious holiday. But these are all just theories. The real reason as to why this day is called Good Friday is yet unclear, every person has their beliefs and follows the theory that they have been told for generations.
More Inspirational Quotes
Friday Blessings Images And Quotes
Which of these Good Friday quotes and sayings do you resonate the most to? Do you have any other favorite quotes to add? Let us know in the comment section below.
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