Funny Graduation Quotes And Captions

Graduation is a time for celebration, and what better way to celebrate than with a few laughs? These funny graduation quotes and captions are perfect for adding some humor to speeches, toasts, or just for sharing a light-hearted moment with friends and family.

So, whether you’re a student wrapping up years of hard work or a proud friend or family member, a bit of humor can go a long way to make the day even more memorable.  If you’re looking for funny graduation captions that will get a chuckle or two you’re in the right place. These quotes will add a touch of lightheartedness to your graduation ceremony and make the speeches and toasts just a bit more entertaining. So grab a cup of coffee and let’s dive into some hilariously perfect graduation quotes!

Use these savage grad captions to add a touch of humor to your graduation day photos and celebrations! So let’s cheer to all the high school and college graduates with these quotes that are both entertaining and humorous.

These captions should add a touch of fun and relatability for anyone navigating the transition from graduation to adult life!

Short Funny Graduation Captions

  1. Goodbye, GPA. Hello, 9-to-5 life!
  2. I graduated. Can I go to bed now?
  3. Degree acquired. Real life, still buffering.
  4. From cap and gown to the corporate town!
  5. Officially a graduate: degree unlocked!
  6. Diploma: Unlocked. Next Level: Adulting!
  7. I graduated. Now, where’s my life manual?
  8. Degrees don’t come with life skills. Who knew?
  9. Graduated and still dodging adulting.
  10. Graduated and still winging it.
  11. Officially a graduate. Now what?
  12. Degree complete. Life’s still a mess.
  13. Degree achieved. Still questioning life choices.
  14. Diploma in hand. Reality check in progress.
  15. Graduated: The art of faking it ‘til you make it.
  16. Officially a graduate. Still procrastinating.
  17. Cap, gown, and still questioning everything.
  18. Graduated: Leveling up to ‘adult’ mode.
  19. Cap, gown, and a whole lot of ‘what now?
  20. I’m a grad now! Time to figure out how to adult.
  21. Diploma in hand, future unknown, but hey, I’m done with exams!
  22. They said I could be anything, so I became ‘done with school.’
  23. I came, I saw, I made it through finals, and I graduated. #Winning
  24. Four years of procrastination, and I still graduated. Go figure!
  25. From all-night parties to graduation day – what a journey!
  26. Four years of Netflix and occasional studying – I made it!
  27. Now a certified expert at Googling everything!
  28. I’m not just a graduate, I’m a survival expert in caffeine and late-night cramming.
funny graduation captions
funny graduation captions

Top 10 Funny Graduation Quotes

  1. You will find the key to success under the alarm clock.” — Benjamin Franklin
  2. Remember, when it comes to applying for jobs, books are judged by their cover!” — Patricia Akins
  3. “If they can make penicillin out of moldy bread, they can sure make something out of you.” — Muhammad Ali
  4. “Every year, many, many stupid people graduate from college. And if they can do it, so can you.” — John Green
  5. “Now you’re a graduate. Remember, it’s all downhill from here—except for the bills.” — Unknown
  6. “From ‘Master of Procrastination’ to ‘Master’s Degree’ – who saw that coming?” — Unknown
  7. “Now that you’ve graduated, just remember: Bosses don’t usually accept notes from your mother.” — Melanie White
  8. “At graduation you get to wear a cap and gown, but it’s a good idea to also wear something underneath it.” — Greg Tamblyn
  9. “The best advice I can give anybody about going out into the world is this: Don’t do it. I have been out there. It is a mess.” — Russell Baker
  10. “Achieving a Masters degree was a balancing act – juggling books, sleep, and sanity!” — Unknown
graduation quotes funny
graduation quotes funny

Best Humorous Graduation Quotes

  1. “I graduated, so now I’m like smart and stuff.” — Unknown
  2. “The road to success is always under construction.” — Lily Tomlin
  3. “Congrats on getting through the easiest part of life.” — Unknown
  4. “The only thing that ever sat its way to success was a hen.” — Sarah Brown
  5. “Minds are like parachutes. They only function when open.” — Thomas Dewar
  6. “The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking spaces.” — Will Rogers
  7. “Do not take life too SERIOUSLY – you will never get out of it alive.” — Elbert Hubbard
  8. “The trouble with learning from experience is that you never graduate.” — Doug Larson
  9. “If at first you don’t succeed, find out if the loser gets anything.” — William Lyon Phelps
  10. “I want to thank Google, Wikipedia and whoever invented copy and paste.” — Unknown
  11. “When they hand you your diploma, keep moving. Just in case they try to take it back.” — Unknown
  12. “Life is an improvisation. You have no idea what’s going to happen next and you are mostly just making things up as you go along.” — Stephen Colbert
funny graduation quotes
funny graduation quotes


Feel free to use these messages in speeches, cards, or just to bring a smile to someone’s face on graduation day!

Feel free to share these funny grad quotes with friends and family on Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, X, Pinterest, and more.

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