Looking for inspirational quotes about being free-spirited? We have rounded up the best collection of free spirit quotes, sayings, phrases captions, and status, (with images and pictures) to inspire you to live life to the fullest on your own rules.
A free-spirited person lives life as they want to live without worrying about social norms. These non-conformists people have a unique attitude and a lifestyle that is different from others. They live a carefree life and are passionate about living their truth. A person with a free spirit has a soul that no one can tame.
Also See: Feed Your Soul Quotes
Free-spirited people like to explore life and taste new experiences. Such people like to travel and are passionate about adventure.
They don’t hesitate to live an unconventional life, rather they are comfortable living outside their comfort zone because they live from their heart.
In life, there will people or things that will stop you to do what you want to do and try to put you down. Why let such people come in the way of your happiness.
We all are born to be free to live a life we think is right for us. These quotes will showcase the power of having a free spirit, a gypsy soul, and a wild heart.
Being a free spirit might sound all fun and excitement, but people having such a personality have their own struggles. Such people can often be misunderstood as they can come off as unreasonable, stubborn, or noncommittal.
You may come across close-minded people who may try to put their own restrictions on you but never let those people limit your life. Don’t let such people stop you from living your life on your own terms.
These positive quotes about being wild and free for free-thinking and open minded people will encourage you to trust your soul and achieve your dreams. Also check our posts on old soul quotes and spiritual growth quotes which will give you meaningful perspective.
Famous Free Spirit Quotes
- “I think I’m like a free spirit.” — Bai Ling
- “You are entirely up to you.” — Unknown
- “Let my free spirit be my legacy.” — Lisa Allen Thompson
free spirit quotes
- “I am a leaf on the wind. Watch how I soar!” — Joss Whedon
- “May my heart be brave, my mind fierce, and my spirit free.” — Kate Forsyth
free spirited quotes
- “I’m just a free-spirit with a wild heart and an open road ahead.” — Unknown
quotes about free spirits
- “We are all free spirits. We must choose to practice freedom.” — Sark
- “A free spirit takes liberties even with liberty itself.” — Francis Picabia
quotes on being free spirited
- “I am a free spirit. I tell the truth, and I like to mix it up.” — Ed Rendell
- “I had always been a free spirit and always gotten what I wanted.” — Rick James
- “Let your mind be set free from the control of others’ influence.” — Jeremy Limn
- “My soul is from elsewhere, I’m sure of that, and I intend to end up there.” — Rumi
- “One radical free spirit nonconformist is pretty much like another.” — George Will
- “Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit.” — Julius Rono
- “Behind every free spirit lies a child that learned to slowly detach from the world.” — Unknown
- “A free spirit is just an old soul with all its karma paid… needing to prove nothing.” — Unknown
- “You are always free to change your mind and choose a different future, or a different past.” — Richard Bach
- “A wild spirit is often misunderstood. Others may think I’m lost, when in truth, I’m simply roaming free.” — RH
- “Each one of us has it in themselves to be a free spirit, just as every rose bud has in it a rose.” — Rudolf Steiner
- “I want to live a life as a free spirit, not someone constantly hampered by lies and deceit.” — Kusum Sawhney
- “It is the free-spirited men and women that we most admire and often envy — those individuals who dare to be themselves.” — Kevyn Aucoin
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- “FREE SPIRIT: A person with a highly individual or unique attitude, lifestyle, or imagination; noncomformist. And a person who lives according to his or her own wishes and beliefs, unconstrained by society’s conventions.” — Unknown
Motivational Quotes About Free Spirit
Free spirits don’t get influenced by the masses around them. They are free thinkers and have the courage to hear their inner calling and follow their own integrity. Free spirits enjoy freedom and march to the beat of their own drum.
“A free spirit takes liberties even with liberty itself”, this quote from Francis Picabia says it all. If you like these beautiful free spirit quotes about being wild and free then check our posts on courage quotes and fearless quotes to motivate you big time to brave, courageous and lionhearted.
- “I am living breathing freedom.” — Hiroko Sakai
- “Do you have the discipline to be a free spirit?” — Gabrielle Roth
- “The human spirit: Unbreakable. Relentless. Free.” — Garth Brooks
- “I’m a free spirit who never had the balls to be free.” — Cheryl Strayed
- “A free spirit must be able to surmount anxiety time after time.” — Mason Cooley
- “As a free spirit, I am truly free and not – how others perceive, I should.” — Eleesha
- “The living soul of man, once conscious of its power, cannot be quelled.” — Horace Mann
- “Your happiness doesn’t come free, but you need to be free to be happy.” — Nokwethemba Nkosi
- “Wildflower; pick up your pretty little head, It will get easier, your dreams are not dead.” — Nikki Rowe
- “There are incalculable resources in the human spirit, once it has been set free.” — Hubert H. Humphrey
- “Even the fact that I labelled myself makes me mad sometimes, because dude, I’m just a free spirit.” — Lauren Jauregui
- “I am a free spirit. Either admire me from the ground or fly with me, but don’t ever try to cage me.” — Unknown
- “The definition of a free spirit is someone or something who lives by their own wishes and is unconstrained by society.” — Unknown
Inspiring Quotes On Being A Free Spirit
People having free spirits are naturally open to others. They are always interested in trying to learn new things which makes them more open to new people, perspectives, and ideas. Free spirits value authenticity. They like themselves real and appreciate the same from others.
Not only are they authentic, free spirits are unique. They make their own rules and follow their heart. They are light hearted, bold and nonjudgmental.
- “Would you rather be right or free?” — Byron Katie
- “Don’t think too much. Just do what makes you happy.” — Unknown
- “True inner strength is in the soul and spirit, not in muscles.” — Unknown
- “I will follow my instincts, be myself for good or ill, and see what will be the upshot.” — John Muir
- “Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.” — Albert Einstein
“Dance with the waves, move with the sea. Let the rhythm of the water set your soul free.” — Unknown
- “It’s the time of God’s grace, we shall survive. Live by the truth and the truth shall set you free.” — Cosmas Sila
- “To keep our faces toward chance and behave like free spirits in the presence of fate is strength undefeatable.” — Helen Keller
- “We will always remember. We will always be proud. We will always be prepared, so we will always be free.” — Ronald Reagan
- “I die, as I have lived, a free spirit, and Anarchist, owing no allegiance to rulers, heavenly or earthly.” — Voltairine De Cleyre
- “I love carelessly, live respectfully, speak intelligently, work passionately, trust recklessly, get hurt easily, and bounce back effortlessly.” — Tony Payne
- “The free soul is rare, but you know it when you see it – basically because you feel good, very good, when you are near or with them.” — Charles Bukowski
- “Even though I’m a free spirit, I like to keep my friends and my lovers separate. I have extraordinary friends, but I don’t want to see them naked.” — Patricia Clarkson
- “I love him who is of a free spirit and a free heart: thus is his head only the bowels of his heart; his heart, however, causeth his down-going.” — Friedrich Nietzsche
- “Hippie heart, bohemian spirit, and native blood. I’m not afraid of being a lone wolf I’m not afraid of going solo, honoring my instincts, and following the beat of my own hurt.” — Unknown
Free Spirit Sayings For Women
Here is a list of some amazing free spirit woman quotes and she’s a free spirit quotes by famous personalities that will give you power to be real and live life on your own terms. Also check our posts on powerful women strength quotes and strong woman quotes to inspire you to be fierce less and unleash your true power.
- “I used to be a free spirit.” — Soleil Moon Frye
“You were born to be wild, wicked, and free.” — Unknown
“I’m a free spirit – unfortunately for some.” — Princess Diana
“I love being naked. I’m a free spirit.” — Alessandra Torresani
“I can entertain. I am a party girl. I am a free spirit.” — Kendra Wilkinson
“I am a free spirit that must survive in a free world.” — Margaret Trudeau
“I am a wild woman; it would take a warrior to tame my spirit.” — Nikki Rowe
“Basically, I’m a free spirit. I’m kind of an Every woman.” — Pamela Anderson
“Be the woman you were born to be, strong and happy, wild and free.” — Unknown
“I like to be a free spirit. Some don’t like that, but that’s the way I am.” — Princess Diana
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“Nothing is better than a free spirited woman living her life the way she wishes.” — Violetta
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“She’s the kind of queen that knows her crown isn’t on her head but in her soul.” — Adrian Michael
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“She was born to be free, let her run wild in her own way and you will never lose her.” — Nikki Rowe
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“You thought you wanted her, but she was made of thunder and lightning and you were afraid of a little rain.” — Unknown
“I am a free spirit. A spirit that evolves. I’m a diamond. I’m just refining it. Polishing it. Glossing it up.” — Simeon Rice
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