Looking for inspirational quotes about dignity? We have rounded up the best collection of dignity quotes, sayings, messages, captions, (with images and pictures) will inspire you to live a dignified life and will help you to understand the importance of self-respect and hold your head high.
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Dignity is the right of every human of being worthy of honour or respect. It means taking pride in oneself. Every individual has their worth, and nobody should belittle others. If you want to be respected, you should respect others as well. A dignified person has strength of character, strong moral values and lives life with principles.
Every person likes to be valued and respected for what they are, what they believe in, and how they live their life. To treat other people with dignity means to treat them the way we we would like to be treated ourselves.
Things come and go in life, but the only sustainable asset we have is our dignity and we should guard it all costs. If we drop our dignity for short term gains, we will loose our self-respect for the rest of our lives. Dignity, integrity, and honor, should not be traded for money, status, attention, or even for love. We should bow down to no one and maintain our dignity forever.
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Few people think dignity and ego are same, but it is not so. Ego is our perception of our self importance, but dignity is our understanding of self worth based on our set of values and achievements. Ego pushes people away but dignity attracts respect and admiration.
These famous grace and dignity quotes will help you regain your dignity and self-esteem and make you feel confident and good.
If you like these maintain you dignity quotes then also check our posts on value yourself quotes and humility quotes to inspire you to embrace humility, kindness, grateful and integrity in life.
Dignity Quotes
- “Do not exchange your dignity for popularity.” — Dr. Steve Maraboli
- “Dignity is the state or quality of being worthy of honor or respect.” — Unknown
- “Death with dignity is better than life with humiliation.” — Hussain Ibn Ali
Living With Dignity Quotes
- “Dignity does not come in possessing honors, but in deserving them.” — Aristotle
- “No power on this earth can destroy the thirst for human dignity.” — Nelson Mandela
famous dignity quotes
- “No relationship is ever worth sacrificing your dignity or self-respect for.” — Unknown
- “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.” — Eleanor Roosevelt
- “Dignity is as essential to human life as water, food, and oxygen.” — Laura Hillenbrand
- “To hide feelings when you are near crying is the secret of dignity.” — Dejan Stojanovic
- “Dignity is appreciated by dignity, the pot of dried fish is known to the dog.” — Tamil Proverb
- “Dignity is like a perfume; those who use it are scarcely conscious of it.” — Christina of Sweden
- “By a lie a man throws away and, as it were, annihilates his dignity as a man.” — Immanuel Kant
- “Be strong. Live honorably and with dignity. When you don’t think you can, hold on.” — James Frey
- “Someone showed me a picture and I just laughed, dignity never been photographed.” — Bob Dylan
- “Respect for ourselves guides our morals, respect for others guides our manners.” — Laurence Sterne
- “Dignity does not consist in possessing honors, but in the consciousness that we deserve them.” — Aristotle
quotation about dignity
- “I accept my destiny, whatever it may be, but I will fight for my honor and my dignity.” — Ferdinand Marcos
- “Your integrity, your dignity, your honor – they aren’t for sale. Not ever. Not to anyone.” — James Patterson
“Maturity is the ability to think, speak and act your feelings within the bounds of dignity.” — Samuel Ullman
- “The most luxurious possession, the richest treasure anybody has, is his personal dignity.” — Jackie Robinson
“The ideal man bears the accidents of life with dignity and grace, making the best of circumstances.” — Aristotle
“Our moral, religious, and political traditions are united in their respect for the dignity of human life.” — Robert Casey
- “Dignity has no price, when someone starts making small concessions, in the end, life loses all meaning.” — José Saramago
dignity quotes
- “Every life deserves a certain amount of dignity, no matter how poor or damaged the shell that carries it.” — Rick Bragg
- “Every soul is beautiful and precious; is worthy of dignity and respect, and deserving of peace, joy and love.” — Bryant McGill
- “Freedom is the open window through which pours the sunlight of the human spirit and human dignity.” — Herbert Hoover
- “Don’t lose your dignity and self respect trying to make people accept, love and appreciate you, when they just aren’t capable.” — Unknown
- “Dignity will only happen when you realize that having someone in your life doesn’t validate your worth.” — Shannon L. Alder
Dignity Quotes Images
- “Self-respect is the fruit of discipline, the sense of dignity grows with the ability to say no to oneself.” — Abraham Heschel
- “Human rights rest on human dignity. The dignity of man is an ideal worth fighting for and worth dying for.” — Robert C. Maynard
- “Knowing when to walk away is wisdom. Being able to, is courage. Walking away with your head held high is dignity.” — Unknown
- “When people begin to ignore human dignity, it will not be long before they begin to ignore human rights.” — Gilbert K. Chesterton
- “Human dignity is the same for all human beings: when I trample on the dignity of another, I am trampling on my own.” — Pope Francis
- “To free us from the expectations of others, to give us back to ourselves – there lies the great, singular power of self-respect.” — Joan Didion
- “Every man has his dignity. I’m willing to forget mine, but at my own discretion and not when someone else tells me to.” — Denis Diderot
Quotes About Dignity
Dignity is a word which means admiring your worth, protecting your self-respect, and taking pride in your abilities. If we want to be respected by others we should first respect ourselves. Dignity comes from a high sense of self regard. Self-esteem, self-love, and self-confidence all stem from a sense of dignity.
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These respect and dignity quotes will help you to remain a virtuous human being and will act like a daily reminder to act with dignity. If you like these self dignity quotes then also check our posts on compassion quotes and self-worth quotes to inspire you to value yourself and to know that you are worthy of all the love and happiness in the world.
- “Love and dignity cannot share the same abode.” — Ovid
- “Dignity is the reward of obeying your heart.” — Wes Fesler
- “The dignity is in the worker, not in the job.” — Howard Fast
- “Dignity is more important than wealth.” — Jacqueline Novogratz
- “Sometimes it’s not ego, it’s self-respect and dignity.” — Unknown
quotes about dignity
- “By a lie, a man annihilates his dignity as a man.” — Immanuel Kant
- “Live with radiance, dignity, and strength of love.” — Rajesh Walecha
- “In love, swallow your pride, but never your dignity.” — Carlos Salinas
Self Dignity Quotes
- “Honor yourself by acting with dignity and composure.” — Allan Lokos
- “Take care of your character because character will define your dignity.” — Unknown
- “Dignity is not negotiable. Dignity is the honor of the family.” — Unknown
quotes for dignity
- “Pride gives itself a shot of dignity by emulating the deeds of the great.” — Magoon
- “Our dignity is not in what we do, but what we understand.” — George Santayana
- “It’s better to lose with honesty and dignity than win by cheating.” — James Parker
- “Never sacrifice three things: your family, your heart, and your dignity.” — Unknown
- “To have no loyalty is to have no dignity, and in the end, no manhood.” — Peter Forsyth
- “Education can give you a skill, but a liberal education can give you dignity.” — Ellen Key
- “Perhaps the only true dignity of man is his capacity to despise himself.” — George Santayana
- “She carried her head high enough—even when we believed that she was fallen.” — William Faulkner
- “Dignity consists not in possessing honors, but in the consciousness that we deserve them.” — Aristotle
- “True dignity is never gained by place, and never lost when honors are withdrawn.” — Philip Massinger
- “When there is oppression and dictatorship, by not speaking out, we lose our dignity.” — Asma Jahangir
- “Your personal dignity was always more important to you than mere emotion, wasn’t it?” — Rachel Caine
- “What is called honors and dignities, and even honor and dignity, is generally fool’s gold.” — Victor Hugo
- “The dignity of man requires obedience to a higher law, to the strength of the spirit.” — Mahatma Gandhi
Dignity Quotes For Women
Both women and men deserve equal dignity. Every woman and girl has the right to live with dignity, free from violence, fear, coercion, and discrimination. A lady with dignity carries herself well and walks with her head up high. These quotes on dignity and honor will push you towards female equality and power.
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If you like these quotes about human dignity, also check our posts on classy women quotes and women strength quotes about the fearless attitude a strong women can show.
- “Freedom is to live with dignity.” — Manal al-Sharif
- “Classy women never lose their dignity.” — Unknown
- “We all need to treat each other with human dignity and respect.” — Madonna
- “Women have the right to insist that their dignity be respected.” — Pope John Paul II
- “Be a woman of confidence and self-respect; give a man a reason worth fighting for.” — Nikki Rowe
- “I do not wish them [women] to have power over men; but over themselves.” — Mary Wollstonecraft
- “Anything may happen when womanhood has ceased to be a protected occupation.” — Virginia Woolf
- “Hide yourself in God, so when a man wants to find you he will have to go there first.” — Shannon L. Alder
- “She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.” — Proverbs 31:25 (Bible Verses)
- “Men who love their mothers treat women wonderfully. And they have enormous respect for women.” — Ellen Barkin
- “Love and respect woman. Look to her not only for comfort, but for strength and inspiration.” — Giuseppe Mazzini
- “When men and women are able to respect and accept their differences then love has a chance to blossom.” — John Gray
- “It is time to effect a revolution in female manners – time to restore to them their lost dignity.” — Mary Wollstonecraft
- “The woman who doesn’t require validation from anyone is the most feared individual on the planet.” — Mohadesa Najumi
- “When a woman veils her body in modesty she is not hiding herself from men; she is revealing her dignity to them!” — Unknown
- “When values disappear, the first people to suffer are women because people start losing their respect for women.” — Rula Ghani
- “… societies that are most successful also treat their women and girls with respect. Otherwise, they won’t be successful.” — Barack Obama
- “Never force yourself on another. If you do this, then this is you trampling on your own dignity without the external help.” — Omoakhuana Anthonia
- “One’s life has value so long as one attributes value to the life of others, by means of love, friendship, indignation and compassion.” — Simone de Beauvoir
- “Every woman that finally figured out her worth, has picked up her suitcases of pride and boarded a flight to freedom, which landed in the valley of change.” — Shannon L. Alder
If you like these quotes about dignity, also check our posts on toxic people quotes and toxic relationship quotes that will will give to you some clarity to the confusion and frustration of having these poisonous people in your life.
These inspirational dignity quotes also cover woman dignity quotes, dignity is priceless quotes, self dignity quotes, live with dignity quotes, class and dignity quotes, dignity quotes for man and short dignity quotes.
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