Looking for popular quotes by famous activist Marsha P Johnson? We have rounded up the best collection of Marsha P Johnson quotes, and sayings, slogans (pictures and images) to inspire you to stand up for your rights.
Born a male and named Malcolm Michaels, Marsha legally changed her name after 1966, when she moved from New Jersey to Greenwich Village permanently, to Marsha P. Johnson.
Marsha P. Johnson was an African American transgender activist who was an LGBTQ rights activist and an outspoken advocate for trans people of color. She participated in the Stonewall Uprising and fought for equal rights.
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Throughout her discovery phase, she was referred to as Malcolm, and Black Marsha before settling on Marsha P. Johnson. The “P” stands for “Pay It No Mind.”
As you’ll see in these quotes, she was bold and determined in helping homeless and struggling LGBTQ youth.
Famous Marsha P Johnson Quotes
- “Nobody promised you tomorrow.” – Marsha P Johnson
marsha p johnson quote
- “I always just do drag. I never do it seriously.” – Marsha P Johnson
- “I may be crazy, but that don’t make me wrong.” – Marsha P Johnson
famous marsha p johnson quotes
- “No pride for some of us without liberation for all of us.” – Marsha P Johnson
marsha p johnson quotes
- “I might be loopy, however that doesn’t make me fallacious.” – Marsha P Johnson
- “We have to be visible. We should not be ashamed of who we are.” – Marsha P Johnson
marsha p. johnson quotes
- “I was no one, nobody from Nowheresville, until I became a drag queen.” –Marsha P Johnson
- “There are a lot of gay transvestites who have been in jail for no reason at all.”- Marsha P Johnson
- “I never come out of drag to go anywhere. Everywhere I go I get all dressed up.” –Marsha P Johnson
- “You never completely have your rights, one person, until you all have your rights.” – Marsha P Johnson
best marsha p johnson quotes
- “As long as my people don’t have their rights all across America, there’s no reason for celebration.” – Marsha P Johnson
marsha p johnson quotes images
- “I got robbed once. A man pulled a gun on me and snatched my pocketbook in a car. I don’t trust men that much anymore.” – Marsha P Johnson
- “I know people think I’m a stupid little street queen out there begging for change cause there’s nothing else she knows how to do.” – Marsha P Johnson
Powerful Quotes By Marsha P Johnson For The Gay Community
- “I’m still stuck in the Stonewall in 1968. I never left the Stonewall.” – Marsha P Johnson
- “A lot of times I’ve reached my hand out to people in the gay community that just didn’t have nobody to help them when they were down and out.” – Marsha P Johnson
- “We want to see all gay people have a chance at equal rights, as straight people in America. We believe in picking up a gun, and starting a revolutionary if necessary.” – Marsha P Johnson
- “I’ll always be known reaching out to young people who have no one to help them out, so I help them out with a place to stay or some food to eat or some change for their pocket.” – Marsha P Johnson
- “Now they got two little nice statues in Chariot Park to remember the gay movement. How many people have died for these two little statues to be put in the park for them to recognize gay people?” – Marsha P Johnson
- “You never completely have your rights, one person, until you all have your rights. And I feel as long as there’s one gay person who has to walk for gay rights, all of us should be walking for gay rights.” – Marsha P Johnson
- “History isn’t something you look back at and say it was inevitable, it happens because people make decisions that are sometimes very impulsive and of the moment, but those moments are cumulative realities.” – Marsha P Johnson
- “How many years has it taken people to realize that we are all brothers and sisters and human beings in the human race? I mean how many years does it take people to see that? We’re all in this rat race together!” – Marsha P Johnson
- “STAR is a very revolutionary group. We believe in picking up the gun, starting a revolution if necessary. Our main goal is to see gay people liberated and free and have equal rights that other people have in America.” – Marsha P Johnson
- “I’d like to see the gay revolution get started… If a transvestite doesn’t say I’m gay and I’m proud and I’m a transvestite, then nobody else is going to hop up there and say I’m gay and I’m proud and I’m a transvestite for them.” – Marsha P Johnson
- “I don’t think you should be ashamed of anybody that you know that has AIDS. You should stand as close to them as you can and help them out as much as you can. I’m a strong believer in that and that’s why I try to do that for everyone I know that has the virus.” – Marsha P Johnson
- “I started out with makeup in 1963 and 1964. In 1965, I was coming out more, and I was still wearing makeup but I was still going to jail just for wearing makeup.” – Marsha P Johnson
What is Marsha Johnson known for?
Marsha “Pay it No Mind” Johnson (1945-1992) was a Black trans woman who was a force behind the Stonewall Riots and surrounding activism that sparked a new phase of the LGBTQ+ movement in 1969.
Along with fellow transgender activist Sylvia Rivera she founded the Street Transvestite (now Transgender) Action Revolutionaries (STAR) to help others out there facing the struggles of an unaccepting society.
Johnson’s body was found floating in the Hudson River in 1992. It was ruled a suicide by the NYPD, but controversy followed concerning the cause of death.
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