Angel Quotes To Inspire The Good In You

Looking for beautiful quotes about angel? We have compiled the best angel quotes, sayings, poems, proverbs, verses,(with images, tattoos, and pictures) to reassure you that you are not alone in your testing times and God is protecting you.

In most religions (Christianity, Islam, and more), angels function mainly as God’s messengers and serve as a intermediary between God and humans. Angels are purely spiritual messengers (without a physical body) and servants of God, immortal and more perfect than any other form of creation.

Also See: Spiritual Encouraging Quotes

Similarly there are guardian angels. Guardian angels are believed to be fairies designated to the safekeeping and well-being of specific individuals, and there is supposed to a specific one appointed for every person. If you love reading these quotes, also check out guardian angel quotes

In the Holy Scriptures (Bible, Quran, and more), it is said that angels have many roles. Few of them include being God’s messengers and Holy warriors, watching history unfold, praising and worshipping God,  protecting and directing people on God’s behalf (As Guardian Angels).

These inspirational angel quotes are encouraging and can serve people to never leave hope and have the faith that God is always watching us.

These angel in heaven quotes are great to be shared with friends and family during testing times to instill courage and faith in the Almighty.

Inspirational Angel Quotes To Guide You

  1. “Every angel is terrifying.” – Rainer Maria Rilke

  2. “Angels are never too distant to hear you.” – Unknown                                                             

    quotes about angels
    quotes about angels

  3. “Be an angel, God loves a helping hand.” – Angel Saying

  4. “Angels have no philosophy but love.” – Terri Guillemets

  5. “Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.” – Alexander Pope

  6. “The wings of angels are hope and faith.” – Omar M Al-aqeel                                                                     

    Angel Quotes
    Angel Quotes

  7. “If I got rid of my demons, I’d lose my angels.” – Tennessee Williams

  8. “Angels can fly because they carry no burdens.” – Eileen Elias Freeman                                                 

    angel inspirational quotes
    angel inspirational quotes

  9. “Angels represent God’s personal care for each one of us.” – Andrew Greeley

  10. “Angels speak to those who silence their minds long enough to hear.” – Proverb

  11. “God’s angels often protect his servants from potential enemies.” – Billy Graham

  12. “Positive thinking creates a doorway through which angels love to walk.” – Unknown

  13. “It is impossible to see the angel unless you first have a notion of it.” – James Hillman

  14. “To find your angels… Start trusting your inner voice and intuition” – Melanie Beckler

  15. “Angels are all around us, all the time, in the very air we breathe.” – Eileen Elias Freeman

  16. “Believers, look up – take courage. The angels are nearer than you think.” – Billy Graham                                                                                                                                                         

    inspiring angel quotes
    inspiring angel quotes

  17. “God always has an angel of help for those who are willing to do their duty.” – T. L. Cuyler

  18. “Angels descending, bring from above, echoes of mercy, whispers of love.” – Fanny J. Crosby

  19. “Angels are the guardians of hope and wonder, the keeper of magic and dreams.” – Unknown

  20. “The treachery of demons is nothing compared to the betrayal of an angel.” – Brenna Yovanoff

  21. “Make friends with the angels, who though invisible, are always with you.” – St. Francis de Sales

  22. “Angels shine light into all areas of life… Helping you to see the light within all! ” – Melanie Beckler                                                                                                                                           

    quotes about an angel in heaven
    quotes about an angel in heaven

  23. “When we are touched by something it’s as if we’re being brushed by an angel’s wings.” – Rita Dove

  24. “Inviting angels into your life builds a stronger connection between you and God.” – Maria G. Maas

  25. “Angels encourage us by guiding us onto a path that will lead to happiness and hope.” – Andy Lakey

  26. “It was pride that changed angels into devils; it is humility that makes men as angels.” – Saint Augustine

  27. “Angels are like diamonds. They can’t be made, you have to find them. Each one is unique.” – Jaclyn Smith

  28. “The very word Angel means messenger. Angels are messengers of love and of the Divine.” – Melanie Beckler

  29. “Angels are spirits, flames of fire; they are higher than man, they have wider connections.” – Matthew Simpson

  30. “The more that you trust and believe in angels, the more they will pour their blessings upon you.” – Denise Linn

  31. “Nobody’s perfect. We’re all just one step up from the beasts and one step down from the angels.” – Jeannette Walls

  32. “Reputation is what men and women think of us. Character is what God and the angels know of us.” – Thomas Paine

  33. “Be kind to strangers, because it’s the loving thing to do. Also, you never know – they could be angels.” – Scott Curran

  34. “Angels are heralds of eternity sent to help mankind break through when they cannot break out.” – Graham Cooke

  35. “Friends are angels that lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly.” – Lorraine K Mitchell

  36. “We all long for a guardian angel in our lives. The luckiest among us call that angel mother.” – Richelle E. Goodrich

  37. “We are each of us angels with only one wing and we can only fly by embracing each other.” – Luciano de Crescenzo

  38. “To love for the sake of being loved is human, but to love for the sake of loving is angelic.” – Alphonse de Lamartine

  39. “Angels have so much power that if I were to tell you everything I have seen, it would exceed belief.” – Emanuel Swedenborg

  40. “While angels and other heavenly beings were magnificently created, they were not created in God’s image.” – Henk Kruger

Angel In Heaven Quotes

Angels are sent by God to encourage us and attempt to guide us on the path we need to go. God loves humans and sends His angels to guard, guide and protect us through various stages of our life.

Although we may not immediately see or know that angels are around us, but they are there at God’s direction and working to assist us in living a great life on Earth and bless us with the light we need.

  1. “Who are you? Demon to some. Angel to others..” – Unknown

  2. “All God’s angels come to us disguised.” – James Russell Lowell

  3. “Angels are praising God and testifying in his name about all his mighty deeds.” – Erol Woods

  4. “Could we forbear dispute, and practice love, We should agree as angels do above.” – Edmund Waller

  5. “May your Guardian Angel wrap you in love, protect, heal, and guide you from high above.” – Mary Jac

  6. “Angels shine from without because their spirits are lit from within by the light of God.” – Eileen Elias Freeman

  7. “An angel is a spiritual creature created by God for the service of Christendom and the church.” – Martin Luther King

  8. “I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends. I’m surrounded by angels, and I call them my best friends.” – Pamela Daranjo

  9. “When someone dies, an angel is there to meet them at the gates of Heaven to let them know that their life has just begun.” – Unknown

  10. “Each angel that God created was in himself a masterpiece. Each one possessed his own degree of intelligence and his own beauty.” – Mother Angelica

  11. “When you take a wrong turn or get bogged down in traffic, you will remember that Jesus commands his angels to guard you in all your ways.” – Robert Medlin

  12. “Dear Angels above I know you’re here, and sense how I am feeling, please bless me with your strength and love to bring me peace and healing.” – Mary Jac

  13. “The Lord has many ways to comfort those who are broken hearted. God has comforted some by His word, by His presence, by angels, and by friends.” – Stanford Murrell

  14. “Angel of God, my guardian dear, To whom His love commits me here, Ever this (day, night) be at my side, To light and guard, to rule and guide. From stain of sin oh keep me free And at my death my helper be.” – Unknown

  15. “The angels are so enamored of the language that is spoken in heaven that they will not distort their lips with the hissing and unmusical dialects of men, but speak their own, whether their be any who understand it or not.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Beautiful Angel Quotes To Inspire You

We all often think, what do angels look like? Angels are spirit beings. Humans are always fascinated by angels and angelic beings. We all imagine an Angel as a majestic human-like winged being. But there is no description given in the Bible of what they look like in their true essence. These beautiful quotes on angels are spiritual, magical and bring peace, joy, guidance to humankind.

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  1. “There are people in our lives who are like angels to us.” – Catherine Pulsifer                                                                                                                                                                       

    Angel Quotes For Her
    Angel Quotes For Her

  2. “You can do something to change your life. Ask your Angels to help.” – Karen Borga

  3. “The reason angels can fly is because they take themselves lightly.” – G.K. Chesterton

  4. “You’ll meet more angels on a winding path than on a straight one.” – Terri Guillemets

  5. “I could not have made it this far had there not been angels along the way.” – Della Reese

  6. “A feather, a robin, a butterfly too, are all signs your angels are standing with you.” – Mary Jac

  7. “When you wake up with a song stuck in your head, it means an angel sang you to sleep.” ― Denise Baer

  8. “We shall find peace. We shall hear angels, we shall see the sky sparkling with diamonds.” – Anton Chekhov

  9. “If you have trouble hearing an angel’s song with your ears, try listening with your heart.” – Terri Guillemets

  10. “Sometimes I need someone to turn the page for me – kind of like the angel did for Gideon.” – Tina Samples

  11. “I had so many freckles that my mother used to say that they were kisses from the angels.” – Lara Flynn Boyle

  12. “Open your mind to listen and your eyes to see and let your Angels guide you to where you should be.” – Mary Jac

  13. “I heard an Angel singing; When the day was springing, Mercy, Pity, Peace; Is the world’s release.” – William Blake

  14. “May your neighbors respect you, trouble neglect you, the angels protect you, and heaven accept you.” – Irish Saying

  15. “Are not all angels ministering spirits spent to serve those who will inherit salvation?” – Hebrews 1:14 (Bible Verses)

  16. “Some part of me hopes for a guardian angel to protect me and other people who need protection.” – Ezra Furman

  17. “”Pay attention to your dreams – God’s angels often speak directly to our hearts when we are asleep.” – Eileen Elias Freeman

  18. “Whether we are filled with joy or grief, our angels are close to us, speaking to our hearts of God’s love.” – Eileen Elias Freeman

  19. “Sometimes we are like an angel with one wing, and we necessarily need the other wing of a similar angel to keep flying.” – M. K. Soni

  20. “Angels are always hear to those who are grieving. To whisper to them that their loved ones are safe in the hands of God.” – Unknown

  21. “May you hear the gentle whisper of your angels guidance. Nudging you in the direction of greater love, joy and abundance.” – Melanie Beckler

  22. “Respect is more than politeness. Respect reminds us of the tender, loving reverence of a child, of a disciple, or of an angel.” – Lawrence G. Lovasik

  23. “I began to develop my angel connection very, very, slowly. I wish I could tell you I welcomed it. In reality, I fought it tooth and nail.” – Kathy Mursch

  24. “Don’t forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it!” – Hebrews 13:2 (Bible Verses)

  25. “May this little Angel shine upon your home filling your days with cheer know that She stands on guard for you to help you smile all year.” – Catherine Pulsifer

Short Angel Captions And Sayings

Angels are known variously as messengers, heavenly “hosts”, watchers or supervisors for God, “Sons of God”, “Sons of the mighty” and more. These are some inspirational angel quotes on pure love, strength, faith and hope.

  1. “In all hearts, an angel awaits.” – Unknown

  2. “Love is a dangerous angel.” – Francesca Lia Block

  3. “Sometimes an angel is found in the dark.” – K. Webster

  4. “So, yes, I believe in angels, absolutely, I do.” – Della Reese

  5. “’Why does she have wings?’ ‘So she can fly.’” – Sarah Dessen

  6. “Angels sail back to God on the sea of joy.” – Terri Guillemets

  7. “Music is well said to be the speech of angels.” – Thomas Carlyle

  8. “Never ride faster than your guardian angel can fly.” – Unknown

  9. “Angels can fly directly into the heart of the matter.” – Unknown

  10. “I’m just looking for an angel with a broken wing.” – Jimmy Page

  11. “It is never a good idea to cause pain to angels.” – Tade Thompson

  12. “Be careful who you trust, the devil was once an angel.” – Ziad K. Abdelnour                                                                                                                                                           

    Devil and Angel Quotes
    Devil and Angel Quotes

  13. “Poets are damned… but see with the eyes of angels.” – Allen Ginsberg

  14. “I have an angel watching over me and I call him brother.” – Unknown

  15. “Snowflakes are snow angels blowing kisses from Heaven.” – Unknown

  16. “Angels are bright still, though the brightest fell.” – William Shakespeare

  17. “For truly we are all angels temporarily hiding as humans.” – Brian Weiss

  18. “Angels fly within the hearts of those that they save.” – Anthony T. Hincks

  19. “If we were all like angels, the world would be a heavenly place.” – Unknown

  20. “It is indeed a mistake to confuse children with angels.” – Douglas Coupland

  21. “We are angels just like the rest of our brothers and sisters.” – Jay Woodman

  22. “Angels mend our patchwork hearts with threads of love.” – Terri Guillemets

  23. “Let us not be justices of the peace, but angels of peace.” – Therese de Lisieux

  24. “She was an angel craving chaos. He was a demon seeking peace.” – Unknown

  25. “While we are sleeping, angels have conversations with our souls.” – Unknown

  26. “An angel in your heart, they say, will give you guidance every day.” – Unknown

  27. “Your angels are always excited and ready to support you, just ask.” – Unknown

  28. “Lift your wings and show them how much hell an angel can cause.” – Unknown

  29. “An angel in your house they say will guard your family night and day.” – Unknown

  30. “Every visible thing in this world is put in the charge of an Angel.” – Saint Augustine

Beautiful Angel Quotes To Lift Your Mood

Angels guide us, protect us and show us light to the right path. Not all angels come with a halo and wings, some come as your family, friends, and loved ones.

Also See: Prayer For Healing Quotes

We all often address our baby, mothers, loved ones as “you are an angel”, which means they are your guiding light who bring eternal peace, love, and joy to you.

  1. “May there always be an angel by your side.” – Unknown

  2. “Feathers appear when angels are near.” – Unknown

  3. “I’ve had an angel on my shoulder all my life.” – Barbara Hale

  4. “Guardian Angel pure and bright, guard me while I sleep tonight.” – Angel Prayer

  5. “Sometimes angels sing to you in the wind. All you have to do is listen.” – Unknown                                                                                                                                                           

    Famous Angel Quotes To Guide You In Life
    Famous Angel Quotes To Guide You In Life

  6. “Angels talk to you through your dreams. Write them down to remember.” – Karen Borga

  7. “Just because you can’t see your angels it doesn’t mean that they aren’t there.” – Unknown

  8. “Wherever you go, Whatever you do, may your Guardian angel watch over you.” – Unknown

  9. “I am ever under the gaze of an angel who protects and prays for me.” – Pope Saint John XXIII

  10. “The angel of mercy, the child of love, together had flown to the realms above.” – Fanny Crosby

  11. “‘God will reward you,’ he said. ‘You must be an angel since you care for flowers.’” – Victor Hugo

  12. “Every minute I spend with you is like being in heaven and looking in an angel’s eyes.” – Unknown

  13. “We are each of us angels with one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another.” – Unknown

  14. “Your angels are with you, make your wish and let them hold your dreams in their loving arms.” – Unknown                                                                                                             

    words about angelswords about angels
    words about angels

  15. “The magnitude of life is overwhelming. Angels are here to help us take it peace by peace.” – Terri Guillemets

  16. “When I look back on my life, I wonder how I survived – my mother said I had a guardian angel.” – Micky Dolenz

  17. “I have a thing about angels. I believe in them. I feel like I have a guardian angel. I think everybody has one.” – Sheryl Lee

  18. “No, I never saw an angel, but it is irrelevant whether I saw one or not. I feel their presence around me.” – Paulo Coelho

  19. “In scripture whenever angels appeared there was always one main thing that is mentioned: ‘to fear not’.” – Shane Callahan

  20. “If a man expects a woman to be an angel in his life, he must first create heaven for her. Angels don’t live in hell.” – Unknown

  21. “Angels live among us. Sometimes they hide their wings, but there is no disguising the peace and hope they bring.” – Unknown

  22. “In the arms of the angel, fly away from here. I know you are in good hands now. I love and miss you! Rest in peace.” – Unknown

  23. “Misfortune is never mournful to the soul that accepts it; for such do always see that every cloud is an angel’s face.” – Lydia M. Child

  24. “Over the years, I’ve found myself wishing sometimes my angel would show up. I could use a little uplift, a little reminder.” – Roma Downey

  25. “Respect is more than politeness. Respect reminds us of the tender, loving reverence of a child, of a disciple, or of an angel.” – Lawrence G. Lovasik

Angel Quotes In The Bible Quotes

In is seen that “Angels” are mentioned  about 273 times in the Holy Bible. These are some of the Bible verses about these fascinating creatures.

Don’t miss our article on inspirational spiritual quotes and spiritual awakening quotes for a peaceful day ahead.

  1. Thus the heavens and the earth, and all the host of them, were finished. (Genesis 2:1, NKJV)

  2. For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him. (Colossians 1:16, NIV)

  3. …nor can they die anymore, for they are equal to the angels and are sons of God, being sons of the resurrection. (Luke 20:36, NKJV)

  4. Then the LORD answered Job out of the storm. He said: “…Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation? …while the morning stars sang together and all the angels shouted for joy?” (Job 38:1-7, NIV)

  5. “Likewise, I say to you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.” (Luke 15:10, NKJV)

  6. Who makes His angels spirits, His ministers a flame of fire. (Psalm 104:4, NKJV)

  7. … who has gone into heaven and is at the right hand of God, angels and authorities and powers having been made subject to Him. (1 Peter 3:22, NKJV)

  8. And the angels who did not keep their positions of authority but abandoned their own home—these he has kept in darkness, bound with everlasting chains for judgment on the great Day. (Jude 1:6, NIV)


Even in the darkest phase of your life, someone is always there to protect you who may be unseen to your eyes, like an angel, to heal you and comfort you. All you need to do is have faith and believe the that power that watches over you all the time.

Although we don’t Angels around us but they are present in our our lives to help us do good and become the best versions of ourselves. They show us the right path and help us accompolish our goals.

If you like these powerful life and death quotes, you can also read our posts on quotes about dying young and gone too soon quotes to convey your condolence for the loss of a loved one!.

If you have some of your favorite quotes which are not included in the above list, please share them in the comments section below and we will love to add them to the list.

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