30 Best Dodgeball Quotes From The Classic Comedy

Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story is a sports comedy film best known for blending slapstick humor, memorable characters, and iconic dialogues. The movie has become a comedy classic and is remembered for its timeless theme of the underdog triumphing against all odds. Here are some of the most hilarious Dodgeball quotes to celebrate two decades of dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge.

Released on June 18, 2004, the film is written and directed by Rawson Marshall Thurber and stars Vince Vaughn and Ben Stiller.

The film follows the story of Peter LaFleur (Vince Vaughn) and his team of gym members who compete in Las Vegas’s Dodgeball tournament to save Average Joe’s Gym from being taken over by the corporate giant Globo Gym, run by the villainous White Goodman (Ben Stiller).

The film is packed with funny scenes and humorous dialogue. From the rigorous dodgeball training to the final showdown, the movie delivers nonstop laughs while celebrating the spirit of perseverance and teamwork.

The film received generally positive reviews from critics and grossed $168.4 million on a $20 million budget.

If you’re looking for laughs and an unconventional sports story, “Dodgeball” is definitely worth checking out! Here are the best Dodgeball quotes that will inspire you to pursue your goals and achieve success.

Top 10 Dodgeball Quotes

  1. “L for ‘love.’ Good times.” — Gordon
  2. “Line up ladies!” — Patches O’Houlihan
  3. “Nobody makes me bleed my own blood. Nobody!” — White Goodman  

    Dodgeball Quotes
    Dodgeball Quotes
  4. “If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball.” — Patches O’Houlihan    

    Dodgeball Movie Quotes
    Dodgeball Movie Quotes
  5. “You’re about as useful as a poopy flavored lollipop.” — Patches O’Houlihan   

    Quotes From Dodgeball Movie
    Quotes From Dodgeball Movie
  6. “We are the Globo Gym Purple Cobras … and we will, we will, rock you!” — White Goodman  

    Dodgeball Movie Lines
    Dodgeball Movie Lines
  7. “Remember the 5 D’s of dodgeball: Dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge.” — Patches O’Houlihan   

    Lines From Dodgeball
    Lines From Dodgeball
  8. “Oh, I don’t think I’m a lot dumber than you think that I thought that I thought I was once.” — White Goodman           

    Dodgeball Film Quotes
    Dodgeball Film Quotes
  9. “I guess if a person never quit when the going got tough, they wouldn’t have anything to regret for the rest of their life.” — Lance Armstrong                                                                           

    Best Dodgeball Quotes
    Best Dodgeball Quotes
  10. “I found that if you have a goal, that you might not reach it. But if you don’t have one, then you are never disappointed. And I gotta tell ya it feels phenomenal.” — Vince Vaughn

Hilarious Quotes From Dodgeball

  1. “Peekaboo!” — White Goodman
  2. “I think most politicians could take a dodgeball in the face.” — Ben Stiller
  3. “I know you. You know you. You know that I know that I know you.” — White Goodman
  4. “We’re opening a new Globo Gym in Mexico City, so I’ve been boning up on my Spanish.” — White Goodman
  5. “In some cultures, they only eat vomit. I never been there, but I read about it… in a book.” — White Goodman
  6. “It’s called the Freedom of Information Act, Kate. The hippies finally got something right! Haha! Just kidding. But not really.” — White Goodman
  7. “Yeh, that’s me taking the bull by the horns, it’s how I like to run my business. It’s a metaphor. But that actually happened though.” — White Goodman
  8. “I miss third grade because you could kill people in dodgeball. Remember the rules to dodgeball? If you’re fat or have glasses, don’t show up because you’ll die.” — Jay Mohr
  9. “..when the first rubber ball smacked her in the head and made her brains rattle in her skull, she knew that something about this dodgeball game was different.” — Michael Buckley
  10. “Forget about where you want to be and go out and build stuff. Dodgeball came from being bored at work… things happen because you make them happen. Stop sketching, and start building.” — Dennis Crowley

Dodgeball Movie Quotes

  1. “Thank you, Chuck Norris.” — Peter LaFleur
  2. “Ouchtown, population: You, bro!” — Pepper Brooks
  3. “I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.” — Kate Veatch
  4. “You really think you can come in here and buy me out, White, you’re a lot dumber than I thought.” — Peter La Fleur
  5. “Get off of me, don’t you touch me! It is over between us, Kate. Nobody makes me bleed my own blood – nobody!” — White Goodman
  6. “And will someone catch a goddamn ball? It’s like watching a bunch of retards trying to fuck a doorknob out there!” — Patches O’Houlihan
  7. “It’s called the Freedom of Information Act, Kate. The hippies finally got something right! Ha-ha! Just kidding. But not really.” — White Goodman
  8. “If you’re going to become true dodgeballers, then you’ve got to learn the five d’s of dodgeball: dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge!” — Patches O’Houlihan
  9. “No, it’s… people have different translations for different things and that’s a special bond that you have with uh… with your mail-order wife. I think that’s nice. It’s fine.” — Peter La Fleur
  10. “Well, I guess if a person never quit when the going got tough, they wouldn’t have anything to regret for the rest of their life. But good luck to you, Peter. I’m sure this decision won’t haunt you forever.” — Lance Armstrong


What are your favorite famous Dodgeball quotes, dialogues, and one-liners (with images, wallpapers, & posters) listed above? If there is a quote that we’ve missed then let us know in the comments section what your thoughts are.

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