60 Fortitude Quotes To Inspire Resilience & Courage

Read these inspirational fortitude quotes, sayings, and captions (with images and pictures) that will give you the courage and strength to keep going even when the going gets tough.

Fortitude is the strength of mind and spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, or pain without fear.

It gives us the power to persevere and stay patient even in challenging times. Fortitude is an essential trait for success in any field, as it helps us stay focused on our goals and never give up.

It is a virtue that helps you to handle difficult situations and continue to strive for greatness even when the odds are stacked against you.

With fortitude, you can move forward with confidence knowing that you have the strength to overcome any obstacle.

By learning to remain positive no matter what comes our way, we can find the strength to keep going, even in the most difficult of times.

Don’t forget to check out comeback quotes and powerful bounce back quotes to give you the adrenaline rush you need to work again on your dreams.

Top 10 Fortitude Quotes

  1. “Fortitude is a great help in distress.”-  Plautus                                                                                                                                        quotes about fortitude

  2. “Patience and fortitude conquer all things.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson                                                                                      fortitude quotes

  3. “Fortitude is the guard and support of the other virtues.” – John Locke                                                                                  quotes for fortitude

  4. “In struggling with misfortunes lies the true proof of virtue.” – William Shakespeare

  5. “The virtue of prosperity is temperance; the virtue of adversity is fortitude.” – Francis Bacon

  6. “I know of no higher fortitude than stubbornness in the face of overwhelming odds.” – Louis Nizer

  7. “Fortitude is the marshal of thought, the armor of the will, and the fort of reason.” – Francis Bacon

  8. “I try to view the challenges in my life not as annoyances, but as confirmations of fortitude.” – Oprah Winfrey

  9. “It is by surmounting difficulties, not by sinking under them that we discover our fortitude.” – Hannah Webster Foster

  10. “Fortitude… It means fixity of purpose. It means endurance. It means having the strength to live with what constrains you.” – Hilary Mantel

Best Quotes About Fortitude

Fortitude is the ability to persevere in the face of adversity. It’s an essential quality for anyone who wants to make something of their life.

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Whether you’re starting a business, going back to school, or simply making a change in your life, having fortitude is essential to making it through the tough times.

  1. “Fortitude in unpredictable circumstances is glorious.” – Dr. Sophia Anna Thomas

  2. “Fortitude is the capacity to say no when the world wants to hear yes.” – Erich Fromm                                                quotes fortitude

  3. “Gird your hearts with silent fortitude, suffering yet hoping all things.” – Felicia Hemans

  4. “You lack the requisite spine and testicular fortitude to study under me.” – Patrick Rothfuss

  5. “Fortitude: Strength of mind that enables one to endure adversity with courage.” – Unknown

  6. “Attitude with gratitude supported by fortitude will take you to the next altitude!” – Bayode Ojo

  7. “Heaven is large, and affords space for all modes of love and fortitude.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

  8. “The necessity of the times, more than ever, calls for our utmost circumspection, deliberation, fortitude, and perseverance.” – Samuel Adams

  9. “What grace is meant to do is to help good people, not to escape their sufferings, but to bear them with a stout heart, with a fortitude that finds its strength in faith.” – Saint Augustine

  10. “If you meet temptation, use self-control; if you meet pain, use fortitude; if you meet revulsion, use patience.” ― Epictetus

  11. “The longer I live the more I think of the quality of fortitude… men who fall, pick themselves up and stumble on, fall again, and are trying to get back up when they die.” – Theodore Roosevelt

  12. “I believe that fortitude is key. More than anything, be consistent. Go at it. Go at it. Go at it. When you succeed, don’t forget the responsibility of making somebody else succeed with you.” – Antonia Novello

  13. “If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” ― Martin Luther King Jr.

  14. “Fortitude implies a firmness and strength of mind, that enables us to do and suffer as we ought. It rises upon an opposition, and, like a river, swells the higher for having its course stopped.” – Jeremy Collier

Famous Fortitude Quotes For Courage In Pain

Fortitude is the courage and strength of character to do what is right and keep going despite the challenges.

It is the ability to face adversity, take risks, and persist in the face of obstacles. Fortitude is essential for success, and it can be cultivated through consistent practice and effort.

  1. “He who weighs his burdens, can bear them.” – Martial

  2. “Fortitude: Courage in the face of Pain and Adversity.” – Unknown                                                                    fortitude quotes images

  3. “It’s not life that counts but the fortitude you bring into it.” – John Galsworthy

  4. “There is no treasure equal to contentment and no virtue equal to fortitude.” – Sarada Devi

  5. “Fortitude gives us the courage and strength to be brave in moments of fear.” – Virginia Lieto                                                  mental fortitude quotes

  6. “He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.” – Muhammad Ali

  7. “Being an entrepreneur is simply going from one mistake to the next. You must have the fortitude to continue on.” – Robert Kiyosaki

  8. “It is true fortitude to stand firm against All shocks of fate, when cowards faint and die In fear to suffer more calamity.” – Philip Massinger

  9. “Fortitude is the disposition of soul which enables us to despise all inconveniences and the loss of things not in our power.” – Saint Augustine

  10. “I, for one, love strength, daring, fortitude. I do not want people to kill the fight in them; I want them to fight for right things.” – Helen Keller

Inspirational Fortitude Quotes To Overcome Adversities

  1. “Fortitude is fortune.” – Unknown                                                                                                                                                  quotes on fortitude

  2. “Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear.” – Mark Twain

  3. “Without courage you can’t practice any other virtue consistently.” – Maya Angelou

  4. “All of us have sufficient fortitude to bear the misfortunes of others.” – Francois de la Rochefoucauld

  5. “The greatest test of courage on earth is to bear defeat without losing heart.” – Robert Green Ingersoll

  6. “There is no fortitude like patience, just as there is no destructive emotion worse than hatred.” – Auliq-Ice

  7. “Courage doesn’t mean you don’t get afraid. Courage means you don’t let fear stop you.” – Bethany Hamilton

  8. “A man’s word and his intestinal fortitude are two of the most honorable virtues known to mankind.” – Jim Nantz

  9. “Strong people alone know how to organize their suffering so as to bear only the most necessary pain.” – Emil Dorian

  10. “During times of persistent hardship is when the warrior learns the most about his fortitude.” – Bohdi Sanders

  11. “Fortitude: That quality of mind which does not care what happens so long as it does not happen to us.” –  Elbert Hubbard

  12. “Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.” – Winston Churchill

  13. “Nothing is more admirable than the fortitude with which millionaires tolerate the disadvantages of their wealth.” – Jean Rostand

  14. “Fortitude has its extremes as well as the rest of the virtues, and ought, like them, to be always attended by prudence.” – Gisbertus Voetius

  15. “It is not his body which makes a man strong, but his spirit. Nothing on the outside, but only that which comes from within.” – Jocelyn Murray

  16. “True fortitude is seen in great exploits That justice warrants, and that wisdom guides; And all else is tow’ring phrenzy and distraction.” – Joseph Addison

  17. “Perfect wisdom has four parts: Wisdom, the principle of doing things right. Justice, is the principle of doing things equally in public and private. Fortitude is the principle of not fleeing danger, but meeting it. Temperance, the principle of subduing desires and living moderately.” – Plato

  18. “From the daily experience of hardship comes a greater capacity to accept difficulties without losing our sense of inner calm. Of course, I do not advocate seeking out hardship as a way of life, but merely wish to suggest that, if you relate to it constructively, it can bring greater inner strength and fortitude.” – Dalai Lama


Fortitude is a key factor in our ability to succeed in any endeavor. It is the strength of character that we use to push through difficult times and tough challenges.

This kind of mental fortitude is essential for success in both our professional and personal lives. It enables us to stay focused on our goals, even when everything around us is telling us to give up.

Whether we are facing personal challenges, professional setbacks, or global crises, fortitude is the quality that allows us to endure and overcome.

It is the quality that allows us to remain determined and resilient in the face of adversity.

These fortitude quotes offer us valuable wisdom and inspiration to help us develop this essential quality and succeed in all aspects of life.

If you like these insightful quotes then check out our collection of courage quotes and grit quotes to give you the motivation to overcome your struggles and be a winner.

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